divided oppinions

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This boy cries chapter 11

"ARE YOU BEING STUPID" I shot. "Ben list-  "NO!YOUR BEING STUPID!" I shouted.

***2 Houers earlier***

Sasha pov

I went downstairs, nevrsly as i grabed my breakfast and walked into the living rom where jesica was. Normaly we at at the table but it was the weekend and I had got up late. "What happens last night?" she questioned. "Non of your businesses" i hissed taking the remote as she walked off in a strop.

I wast normaly like this but yesterday was enough to put anyone in a mood.

I sat looking though the tv chanes but as ever there was nothing desent. How? Hundreds of chanmles andnothimg decesnt. I carryed on flickig though the channels til I gave up going back to my room to do some home work. I was up for a bit-the maths homework was very hard.

In some ways i was just a tipical teen. Board and failing at maths. Yet there was so much more to me then your avarage teen. I had been fine for so long, alwase carrying on despite everything. I had been strong. I  defeantly didn't feel that now.

After a good 2 houers on my maths i was finnished. I was just packing it In to my school bag when i was called down. I had an idear about what it could be.

"Weve been on the phone all day- trying to find out the verdict. Why didn't you tell us. It would of saved loads of time if you had?" Madeline asked."WHAT! YOU DISNT PRESS CAHRGES!"ben shouted as i sighed and they left us alone.

***beginning of chapter***

Ben pov

"ARE YOU BEING STUPID" I shot. "Ben list-  "NO!YOUR BEING STUPID!" I shouted. "I STILL CARE ABIUT HIM!" she shot. "HE THREATENS YOU WITH A KNIFE!" i shouted back. "Just dont press cahrges. Please" she replyed looking away. "Why. HE WAS THREATING ME TO!" i spat. "Cus i cant go though it. Im at cort next week. Im stressing enought about that" she replyed. "Fine. It's your choice. I'm not goin to stand in your way. I get why uour doing it. But your making a big mistake" i told her harsehly walking off.

We didnt speak for the rest of the day.i understood why she didnt want to go though it all. But what he did was wrong. Yet i know it can be hard for someone to see how twisted someone is till its over.

Hey so i hope you all had a great new year n christmas. I do have chapters written for christmas but as i mentioned before I hate editing more them anyone else know to man!

Anyway please comment what you think.

Do you agree with sasha not pressing charges?

Whats evryones theorys on Bens past?


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