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This boy cries chapter 21

The end of the trip came by fast, very fast. It wasn't till on the way back i text sasha as i didn't want to meet up with her again face to face so it was easer to text her when i was away from her. I didnt want to text her but at the same tine i didn't want her hurting. It wast fair on her.

I slept most of the jeorny back. The trip hadn't been amazing but me and logan were talking, wich was good i guess and i was on good turms with sasha and i knew she had finaly given up on hunter wich she desurved.


I was in a glass box, above the world again wich was the same size but this time it was going quickly and spinning, makeing me feel sick and dizzy. The glass was cold to touch and i fell into it more time due to the speed, causing pain and blood. Then i saw them. Both of them. Chloe and mum. They were floting. I drasticaly tryed to push te box away from them but it sped it up. I couldnt see anything clearly appart from them. I was headin towards them. Chloe stood one side and she was the otherside, both puhing the box. Laughing at my pain, makeing it spin more and more. Shards of glass continued to go into me as the thick glass spilnterd and blood pored out of me. Then suddenly hunter came. He hoverd on top of me, stomping on the glass so he was in there with me.his face was so angry and he walked closer to me but i was helpless on the floor in so much pain. This time i didnt fall. He got a knife out of gis pocket. "Im gonna finnish what i startd" he mutterd stabbing me. As my eyes ficked as the other two joined him, all of them laughing.

***end of nightmair***

I woke up with a fright. Each time it got worse. I hated it. I hated life. I hated everything. All if it. "You ok?" david asked as i nodded slightly daised.

Once i got home i ate an orange and got up stairs. I was still realy tierd but i knew i wouldnt be able to sleep so i desided to shower. Once i had showerd i got changed into my pj and jessica nocked on he door.

"Why you still up?" i asked her. "Your big feet clumping across the landing woke me up" she replyd smerking. It was weird. I didnt understand myself and i offen took people's jokes wrong yet i coud alwase tell if jessica was jokeing. It was weird but that my life. "Why dont you get back to sleep yer" i replyed. "But im thursdy" she moaned. "Ill go get you a drink then" i sighed not realy wanting to get her a drink but the words has just came out.

As i went downstairs they were in the living room taking. "We should of told him"  Madeline sighed. "And what would knowing shes been near here help" he replyed. "I know. But its faulse security were giving him. After everything hes been though, he should get the coice to move. Its his mum were talking about. You know how much he hates his mum - and cant blame him. The only peron he hates moe is chloe amd again you cant blame him"she awnserd.

Mum was near. Why didnt they tell me this. If they wouldnt do someting i would. I took up the drink to jessica. Pretending i was fine. I wasn't. I was far far from it.  But i needed to wait.

Once everyone was asleep i started packing. I couldnt stay there. I wasnt safe. I got 2 plain black pack bag puttin in some thick cloths and the odd art things. I then went to the kitchen grabbin a few packs of crisps and a pack of busikets. I hoverd over takeing a knife. But i knew they would be consurend even more.

I then went to the office. I felt bad stealing. This wasmt me. But id do ANYTHING to stay away from my mum.  I then grabed my pasport and bus pass. I didnt plan going abrord, i knew that would just get me in heaps load of trouble but i just had it there for a procortion.

As i sneaked out i was so nevers. I knew i couldn't suvive on the streets. I was weak. But i couldnt stay in that hous either. Not if i was in danged of seeing her. It was a risk i wouldnt take.

Every part of me eas haaking as i ran away. Not just from the extream coldness but the stress. Being out alone. Maby i want doind the right thing.

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