just getting worse

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This boy cries chapter 13

It was monday moring and i hadn't been in school for a bit. It felt strange going back in. Everyone knew what had happend with hunter and I was scaird incase people asked questions. As i walked though school i had a few dirty looks but I just kepet my head down, i didnt want to talke to anyone. A few people tryed to talk to me, again I ignored them.

My first lesson was art. It reminded of when i had had that argument with hunter on my first day. Nothing had changed. Not even sasha amd hunter. Would that ever change ?

"You havnt done any work and were 15 muinits in" the teacher said comeing over. My teacher was a kind faced blond women who came across a tad crazy. She was fair but strict. "Sorry" i mumbled back. "I get your stuggling but you have your time out pass if you need it" she replyed as i nodded starting my work.

By the time i got home i was exsorsted. I went strait upstairs but got called down. "You need to eat something" dave said.

"Im not hungry" i replyed in a defiant mannor.

"I get that. But you only had one minni hashbrown at breakfast and kirans told me you havnt eaten, you need to have something. Your slipping back into your old habits" he told me.

"I dont care. I don't want to get bettr anymore" i sanpped going upstairs.

Everything that had happend with hunter just made everything worse. It made me think of things i didn't want to think about. My mood swings and flashbacke were getting worse as well. Her being relised had triggerd eveything but hunter had made it ×10000 worse.

I then started to draw but it didnt help.

***flash back***

"Ill be back by 9" she told me in a chirppy voice. I knew she was lying. she akwase was. Its all she ever did. "Fine" i sighed as she went out.

I fet loany. Chloe had appoljised. So i envited her arround. Stupid nieve me.

***time skip***

"I told you it wasnt a drunken miatake. Lighten up" she giggled as i cryed even more. "I WANTED YOUR HELP!" i snapped. "I don't care. You do what i say" she hised.

***end of flashback***

The rest of the day was ok i guess. But even when nothing realy happens, i still constantly feel low. I alwase felt lonely. Like no one cared. I guess what had happend to me made it hard for me to trust. When you get let down multiple times by multipu people, it effects you i guess.

I lounged arround watching some films for most of the day, refusim to eat. My stomach was killing but it madee feel proude. I didnt want to get better anymore. I snuggled into me bed watching before i go to sleep. I have a fascination with anything twisted. From woman in black to jennifas body. The creeper the better. I guess it makes my life seam less of a mess.

Soon eneought madaline was up. "If you want me to eat. Its not happing" i hissped.

"You havnt even had your night drink for the laat 5 days and you've only drank minmal water" she replyed.

"I dont care" i sighed snuggling back up into my quilt. I felt so ill and i realy wasnt in the mood

"anyway, Its been about a week. That nothing" i hissed.

"And its gtring worse each day" she commented.

"I don't care. I feel ill. Thats all" i awnserd.

"What happend with hunter clearly effected you. A lot" she replye as i looked away form her to the dvd player as she took the remote off me.

"Hey tat not fair!" i spat.

"Well talk to me" she replyed sternly.

"I don't care!"i spat back.

"Fine" she replyed walking off.

I didnt want to get better. Why couldn't people get that.

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