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This boy cries chapter 15

I'd just been pressured into eating a peice of toast as apparently christams meant my mental health didnt matter and i had to be fine. I hadn't spoke to jesaica much and was being very cold - could you blame me! I was very annoyed to say the least. Again you couldnt blame me. Could you?

We then all went into the living room to open our presatns. "Can i open mine first?" jessica asked. "It up to ben" she replyed. "I don'tt care" i replyed coldly. "Why you being so cold?" she questioned. "ASK HER!" i snapped storming upstairs.

I baricaded my self into my room. i didnt want to talk to anyone. I repeatedly kicked the door again and again. Tear poring out of my eyes. I then started to punching it untill my nuckled were read raw and old scabe i had from punching previous walls staryed to peal as my crimson blood ran down the nuckles. They killed so did my stumach did from the lack of food, so did my head from the lack of sleep. I just acked everywhere but what did it matter. What did i matter. I didnt.

I then slumped against my door shaking. "Ben, ive told mum. Im grounded for 2 months unless i need to go out with no pocket money and no tv for the 2 months and no phone for a week with a note on my file" she explauned. "That doesn't make if fine. You still broke the non exsistant trust i had in you in the first place!" i hissed. "Let me in. Please" she plaesed.

For some unknown stupid reason i found my self standing up and puttin my hand on the wodden circles knob on my dark oak door to let her in. She staied at me shocked.

"Dint gorp or anything" i sanpped sarcastically.

"Sorry. Its just um-"

"Just stay what you need to say and get it out of the way" i hissed.

"I know you've had a bad time of it before. But christams is about family-

"Great start!" i snapped closing the door on her but she put her foot in the way.

"Ben were your family! Even if your ashamed of us, i know i made a misatkae- a big one- but i do care. I did this to try ad help- even if it was wrong. Which i now know it was." she told me.

"You mean it dont you?" i asked looking into her bright green eyes wich completed her shoulder length thick rich brown hair.

She nodded staring back into my blue eyes. The onlt thing of me i could just about stand. Not that i liked them.

"You have one more chance. But i dont trust you" i hissed looking at her.

"I dont balme you" she awnserd as we walked down stairs.


"I win again!" i exclamed smiling. The first genuine smile in a long time. We were playing monoply and i had won. We then went back into the kitchen and i ate a peice of tukey and a few roastys along with a glasses of coke. Jessicas words rang though my head

Ben were your family! Even if your ashamed of us, i know i made a misatkae- a big one- but i do care. 

Maby they did care. I didnt trust them. But maby i could get better. For them.i didn't have anyother reasons so why not.

We then all pauled crackers. Inside each was a brown christams pudding toy. It had a cartoon face, with bright coulouer glasses and the same colour shoues. Mine were both red. There were wind up toys, just plastic rubish, but quite fun. I put on my paper crown, wich ripped in a matyer of muints as we started to race our little plastic winds up puddings.


"And there off. The red takes a clear lead but Whats this, blue is close behind and yes! Blue wins!" jessica said doing a reporters voice making us all laugh.

"No mine won!" i replyed as it was close.

"You wont at monoply!" she replyed.

"I'll let you have this one"i awnserd.

"Good" she replyrd sarcasticaly sticking my toung out as we all laughed.

It's the 8rd of jan and we finaly have a christmas chapter! Gosh i fail😂.

Please start commenting what you guyes think!


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