cool as ice

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This boy cries chapter 12

It was the next weekend and me amd sasha still wernt talking. I speant all my time doing some sketches till my appointment wich was yet another meds review.i came down just before so we coud go strait away. "'where you off to?" sasha asked. "What's itcto you!" i hissed. "Im just asking!" she spat. "And im just telling YOU to mind your own business!" i spat back.

"Why are you to alwase arguing. Its not just you guys here!" jessica snapped. "Yer well im leaving tonight!" sasha snapped. "Good" i replyed walking out to the car.


By the time i got back sasha's bags wer all packes. "I thought you were going tonight!" i spat. "Its called orgnisation" she shot back. "Then why's your stupidly bright suitcases in the hallway!" i spat kicking them out the way. "One its called organisation. Two, there night bright for normal people and three watch who's fucking suitcases your kicking!" she spat.

"Language" david exclaimed form the kitchen. "Ha" i spat in her face as i walked into the kitchen.

"Were having a meal together. I want you to eat somethimg and be down here. Its sashas last night here" madaline  told me as she stopped washing and david stood behind her. "And i Dont care!" i spat. "Its about your mum isnt it" she said as i stopped.

"Shes not my mum. Shes a name on a birth certificate." i said sternly.

"Ben you need to step back. Your eating got worse resently and i know you've cut. Im worried about you" she replyed.

"Its got nothing todo with the years of verbal abuse and neglect i had of her. I manged. It could of been much worse." i snapped.

"Till chloe" she replyed as i nodded.

"It reminded you of that didnt it" she added as i nodded.

"You cant help people who don't want helping" she replyd.

"I know" i awmsrrd sitting doen and wating for some food. It was a buffet meal so i didnt have to eat loads. I did eat a bit for me, as i hadnt eaten much resently, since she was reised.

After dinner i went strait upstairs. I didn't want to wave her off. Then a letter slipped though my door. It was off sasha.

to ben,

I get why you mad at me. I understand that. I don't blame you. But i need to do things my own way. We are getting back together me and hunter.I know you disagrees but it's my life. I just wanted to say i hope things start looking up for you one day. I dont know what went on.only you do and social of Corse. But its clear alot happned. No one desurves bad things to happen to them. I know you hate me, but if you ever need me, i am only ever a phone call away. I Prommise.


Phone number:7710 5256 6810

I didnt want to speak to her. But it was nice to know someone cared even if i didnt belive that she did. Just because someone has gone though simler things, it dosent mean they understand. It just means there going though things. Everyone experiences situations diffrently. No ones immune to the bad things in this one.

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