who to trust

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This boy cries chapter 6

I woke up to christmas music. In november. I sighed grabbing my bath stuff and bathing. Once i was out i went back to my room and chamged for school. I then went downstairsand switched of the blasted music. "How can you NOT like Christmas!" jessica excalmed annoyed as she put the music back on. "Just turn the balsted things off. Its the middle of novembe!" i hissed. "I dont care. Theres less then 2 months till Christmas" she retorated standing closer to me with death eyes. "I don't care" i hissed. "WELL I DO!" she shouted back.

"Hey whats going on ?" madline asked. "ASK HIM" she shouted with her  fists tight and her face scrunched up like a ball. Well atleast right now i wish it was as if it was a scrunched up ball i could kick it. "Shes plaing bloody chritmas music the fucking bitch" i hissed as she went to grab hold of me but madline pulled her back. "DONT YOU EVER CALL ME A BITCH AGAIN!" she shouted as tears startd to form in her eyes. She must of got out of bed the wrong side.

"Go take your breakfast into the living room. Ill sort ben out-he will be punnished" she told her. "Good" she snorted wapies off. "It wasmt my fault" i stropped pusshing my self up forcefully onto the black mat kitchen surface. The whole kitchen had a red and black them to it makeing it om of my favirot rooms. Well appart from the food in it


"What happned between you to?" she asked. "She had christmas music on and i turned it off" i replyed. "I understand you struggle with Christmas, but you can't take it out on others and your languag was unexseptable" she told me as i hung my head. "We can't stop Christmas for you. It would be unfair on jessica. But if it gets to much tell us. You dont have to be envolved in any christams stuff. But i want david to take you to school today. Im worried about you ben" she said truthly looking into my eyes. "Im fine" i hissed back. "Have some food then" she replyd as i shook my head. "David's taking you. End of story. It upsets me seeing you this angry"she repyed as i sighed.

As i walked imto school Jessica,who had gotten the bus and still loked extrramly annoyed, camr over to me. "What was earlier about!" she snapped. "Keep your voice down!" i snapped. "Why you ashamed of being in care!  alease it seams to link back to that" she questioned wiyh a determined voice.

"Its not the outcome im ashemd of. Its the situation that happned. Things you wouldnt even think of happing" i snapped. "I get that" she replyed. "No you dont. You dont have a clue!" i hissed sholder barging her as the bell went.

I sat behind sasah and hunter in touter. They were both snuggled up to eachother. It made me feel sick.


"Just have one drink" she told moe slured. "Chloe no" i replyed "fine ill have it!" she snapped grabbing it off me.

I was just about to leave when she grabbed my waist pushing me aginst the wall. He lips then went onto my neck. I tried to push her off but she was strong. I guess thays what you get dateing a boxer.

I tryed to push her off but her black matalic nailes digged into my sides. I tryed to push her away by putting my cold hands on her skin wich was showing as all she had was a black strapless high top and matching skirt. Sh.e jumped but landed in a straddle postituon on me. "Guess you regret that now" she whispers in a sinster tone. Not that it matters if she wisperd. No one cared. There were tones of people at the party. She clearly didnt care either, with how little she was whearimg.

***end of flashback***

"You ok?" sasha asked. "Leave him. Hes a freak" humter snapped. "Imcnot a freak!" i shot back satndin up as everyome else was leavimg for next lesson. "Can you three take your argumeant outside and make your away to lesson!" our touter shot. "he started it!" i spat. "You were staring at my girl friend!" hs spat back. "Not on pourpuse!" i retaliated. "Yer cus your a freak" he snapped. "Hunter just leave it!" sasha sanpped."no. Hes winding me up!" he hissed. "Its ok yer" she replyed snaking her arm arround his back amd stroking his side as she took him off and gave dagger eyes to me.

Sasha pov

"He still pissed me off" he snapped as we sat in out little secret coboatd. "I know. But you have to ignore him" i told him. "Give a reson i should" he snapped as i sighed. We were both sat on the floorwith our legs streched out and my head on his. "If i tell you you cant tell anyone" i replyed as he nodded.

"A few eeeks ago, he was sat in the office with some councillor person. In tears and he hangs arround with that car kid" i explaimed. "Promise you wont say anything" i added as he nodded.

"What you gor next anyway?" he asked. "English" i replyed. "That's not fair. Your not with me" he stropped. "Your with me now" i replyed. "I know" he said plasing his hand on my crotch as my hands went loosely arround his neck as his other went im my waist as our lips connected.

I then stradded him as i gave him a love bite makeing him groan. He them undid my tip buttoms as i did the same. Our lips we rough on eachother as our hands romaed hungrily.

Then the bell went and i gronened as Hunter did up my buttons as i did up his. "I don't want to go" he said  as i pulled him up."You habe to" i restorted. "Why" he sighed. "Because if not" i started as i leant in wispring in his ear. "I can't sleep at yours tonight" i wisperd as his face lit up. "Your parent said yes!" he excalimed. "Yes. But were not doing anything" i told him. "Your so boring" he sighed. "No im a vergin and -"proude we know" he sighed finnished my sentence. "And you love me for it" i joked. "No i just respect your right to be wrong" he replyed as i sighed and we walked off to lesson.

All the way though lesson i couldn't stop thinking about if i should of told hunter. But then why should i feel like this. I tell him everything. I trust him more then anyone.

This chapter is set in november.

Its boxing day.

I have a christams chaoyer written.

The only reason i haven edited it yet is because no one in the entier world hates editing more then me.



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