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This boy cries chapter 10

I ran upstairs slamming my door, but not before id grabbed the bathroom sizors. I pearsed them ito my skin.i was still in shock. Cryimg and crying.  I couldn't stop. I just coudnt.

Once i had cut I sneaked into the bathroom washing my cuts qiuckly. Luckily they weren't deed, just many. I then put the scissors back, makeing sure there wasn't a single trace of blood on them.

Then me and sasha got called down. "Weve had a call from school. The police wnat to speak to you both" madaline told us. "I don't want to speak to them!" i snapped. "Nither do i !"sasha snapped back. "You have to go down to the police station at least. What you do then is up t you" she replyed as we both nodded.

I was still in my uniform but sasha had got changd into a pink adidas hoody and light skinny geans wich was proabbaly good as it was cold. We both made our way to the car in silence. I didnt want to talk about what had happened. I looked over to sasha to see her still shaking, staring out of the window with tear in her eyes. As much as i wanted silence, i couldn't not say something.

"You still want him down you" i wisperd to her as she nodded.

"But he hurts you.would you trust your parents aga-

"DONT SPEAK ABOUT MY PARENTS. IT'S GOT NOTHING TODO WITH YOU!!" she shouted in tears as david stoped the car.

"Im fime. Can we just cary on" she mumbled though tears.

"Im sorry" i wisperd to her.

"Dont bother" she spat back.


"I said dont bother"she  hissed whispering, looking away.

the rest of the jeorny was in silence and i didnt blame her. Id hurt her to try and fix the problems i couldn't in my own life. As much as she annoyed me, i didnt want anyone to  go though the same things i had. The pain and the giult. The giult for things that arnt your fault.

Once we were there we got out and we were taken to diffrent interview rooms.

The room was black but i had alwase loved police programs and i knew the screan meant they could see me. And the fact i had been in these place before.


"Ben are you prepeared to give evidence against you mum and chloe" the police oficer asked. "Yes" i said still shaking. The tears running down my eyes. "You can so this later. You have 24 houers" he ecaied. "I want to just get it over and done with"i mumbled.

***end of flashback***

"It's ben isnt it" the police office officer asked walking in as i nodded.  "Ive read you file. You know the procedure, do you want me to go back though it or not?" he questioned as i shook myhead. "Ok. Do you want anyone here with you?" he asked as i again shook my head as he put on he tape.

"For the tape It 7.23, the 20th november and were interviewing ben in the hunter Michaels case. Theres me pc jhonny and ben who said he didnt wamt anyone with him. Can you comferm that" he asked. Serisy can't we of dont this before.

"Yes" i replyd.

"Can you tell us whathapoend?" he asked as i explaimed. 


Once i got back to he car sasha was there. "How did it go?" i asked."fine" she hissed looking away.

"Mature" i spat sarcastically. "What like brining up my parents!"  she hissed. "I saod im sorr- "dont evn talk to me. This is all YOUR fault" she hissed.

The rest of the jeorny back was in compleat silence. As i got out i slammed the door and ran upstairs just like sasha did. I couldnt go though this again.

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