buming into...

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This boy cries chapter 20

It was the next day and a grabed my dark green carcky troused with my grey juper, along with my wash stuff and made my way to the shower, trying desperately to forget last night. It didn't work so afterward, still with lastnight on my mind and that stupid dream, I truddged down to breakfast.

A cooked breakfat went strait down his hatch. It made me feel sick but i had to ignore it as  i ate my yogat and a peice of toast.

Breckfast came and went as we went into our small groupes where we were given our time table for the day.


Tresure hunt

Team biulding


Go to the village


Free time



Lights out

"Tresure hunt"- how old did they think we are-3!

After lunch we were allowed to go out to the shops in the local village in 2 or 3 for an houer. I went with logan amd we both grabbed our phones amd money off the leaded before headding out.

"So...wheredo you want to go?" i asked.

"I dont mind" he mumbled. Typical, leave thedisisson to me.

"How about we go into game?" i suggested as he nodded amd we wemt in.

We both walked in going to the same sectuon. The dvd sevtion. I loved fillms, it made my situation seam like it wasmt that bad.

"Hey you watched this?" logan piked up holding changling.

"Yer its one of my faves. Didnt know you liked it?" i questuoned.

"Love anything creepy without ghost" he replied.

"Same appart from that i love ghosts" i awnserd.

We had a good chat and i started to get used to talking to him and we had a few things in commen like a good range if music and films along with some police programs he liked, just like me!

We were walking to cex when i saw sasha. And She looked realy happy wich was nice to see.

"Hey ben hey logan" she said comeing up to us.

"Hey" we both replyed.

"I didnt know you two spoke. What brings you guyes up here?" she asked.

"Started taking resently and a school trip"i replyed as she nodded.

"Anyway i bettet get going" she replyed.

"Can i talk to you a moment. Alone?"i asked.

"Corse" she repkyed ss we both looked at logan.

"Ill meet you in the park"he said as i nodded and he left.

It was just me and sasha. That scaired me slightky but i was ok. Just about.

"Hows the new place" i asked her.

"If you mean am i still with hunter,no" she mumbled looking down.

"He hit you again didnt he" i guessed confidently.

"Yer.multipul times but...i told the police how bad it was, theres a restraing order" she awnseed.

"Good for you. You desurve better" i told her.

"Thanks. Things are looking up. I love the care home,theres a few who are...idiots lets put it, but there a good bunch. And my patents are locked away, i feel safe and happy for the first time in a long time" she told me smiling.

"Thats great. Everyone desuvest to be happy" i awnserd simply.

"What about you?" she askdd as I looked down.

"Im fine" i lyed looking down playing with my hands.

"I worry about you"she awnserd as i looked at her comfused.

"Why?" i asked.

"I dont know what going on. Why didnt you talk to me. Id of got it" she awnserd.

"No you wouldn't" i snapped.

"Fine dont trust people. But it will be you who gets hurt in the end" she replyed walking off but i stoped her.

"You have no right to say that!" i snapped.

"Domt I. Look at yourself. Your a mess" she replyed walkin off.


I then walked to the park to meet logan. "We better get going" i told him. "Why?" he questuoned. "Because! Can we just go!" i snapped.

"BEN STOP' sasha shouted from behind me

"What" i hissed.

"Your right. I shouldnt of spoken to you like that. Its just...i want to help you. You gave me a house, a safe place, amd the strength to break up with hunter. I couldnt of done that without you" she awnserd.

"It was nothin-

"No. It was everything" she awnserd "take this. Please text me. Just so i have your number" she added passing me a peice of papee with he number on.

"I prommise. And as annoying amd big headed as you can be...im glad your happy" i replyed as she smiled and i headed off with Logan.

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