new years eve

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This boy cries chapter 17

It was new years and we were going to fireworks. I hated them if im honest. The bamgs encouraged flashbacks in my stupid head. Luckely I had my ear defenderd with me wich ment In theory I could just see the lights and pritty couluers without the noive. I grabbed my shower stuff, takeing as shower and then shoved on a grey greenday t shirs with my black jeans and thrn put my thick vans jumper on.

I made my way downstairs having a  peice of dry toast, and shovein on my coat.we were travling to London for the fierwork desplay. I was nevers if i was honest, it would be so crowded. But i wanted to do this. Since christmas i had been determind on recovery. How long that would last for was another matter.

The car jeorny was long amd my mind wonderd to school. I hadnt been there loads since hunter. I knew it would nock my recovery, but i was determind. I had to get better.i knew i would still have bad days. I had to except that. That would be the hardest part of recovering for me, not letting fall backs make me not care. To many times that happend.

I then put my earphones in. I liked a range of music. I likrd my rock but also a bit of rap snd the odd pop song. I pressed shuffle and friction came on. I started to fall asleep wich wasmt unusal since i never slept st night.

Once we got onto london it took is along time just to park. We then went into a little cafe where i managed to eat half a bowl of rich tomato soupe. It wss yummy but all i coukd think was purging. Yet i couldnt. It was stupid. My first big hurde and already i was struggling. But i didn't crack.

Thr fireworks were VERY overwhelming. Some how i managed with only a small panic attack. Yet it still made me feel id failed. It was stupid. Just like my head u guess.

I slept on the way back home, despite jessica being very hyper, like a yoyo going up and down, she went on and on. Who ever let her have 3 kit kats, a tofee apple, half a choc orrage, a bag of starbursts and a glased donuts with sprinkeld was by my standerds insaine. O and tha not forgetting the big bottle of lucozade.

Once we got in i was exsorsted. I still didn't alseep as I'd selpt over 2 houers in the day. I stayed up all night. Yet again. Nothing new my mind dangorsoy stsrrd wondring.


"Why did you blame it on me!" i snapped piling chloe aside. "It was only 4 times. No one will care. And its yiur bab- "And its YOUR responsibility!" i spat getting mad. "Aww is the man whore getting mad" she mocked giggling sholder barging me.

***end of flashback***

I hated rembring that. It reminded me how i had walked on my responsibility, even if they didnt exsit any more. Everyone tryed tp convince me it wasnt my fault. That i hsd no choice. Yet i still hated my self for it.

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