Chapter 2: Picking up the pieces

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Logan had been in such a hurry that he hadn't seen the passenger stepping out of the ladies' room in time to stop before colliding with her as he walked by.  He reached down to help her, absentmindedly thinking that he didn't have time for this delay, but his breath caught as he saw the beautiful woman who was retrieving her belongings from the floor in between them.  Was it really Ace?  He could hardly believe it.  He would know her hair, her graceful body anywhere.  It simply had to be her. 

"Ace?" Logan had asked, noticing how his voice caught in his throat as he spoke her name.  It had been so long since he had said her name out loud without it hurting.  Somehow, with her here in front of him, though, the pain wasn't there.

As she responded to him softly, he couldn't help but notice the surprise in her eyes matched his.  It took him a long moment before he could regain his composure and speak again.

"It's been so long.  How are you?" 

"I've been...good.  You?" she answered.

He didn't even know where to start.  There were so many things that he wanted to say, but he was completely taken with the sight of this amazing woman who still held his heart that he had to take a moment before he choked out a response.

"I've been good as well.  I can't believe you're standing here in front of me.  Are you coming to Hamburg or leaving?", he asked, still reeling.

"I just arrived."

"So did I.  Hey, are you in a hurry?  I would love to buy you a cup of coffee."

"Umm, sure.  Sounds good," she said awkwardly.

With her answer, he smiled and his heart soared.  He reached out to take her bags and warmth spread through his body as his hand brushed hers.  No woman had ever affected him the same way that Rory did.  He shifted the bags to his shoulder quickly and nodded toward the coffee shop, inviting her to lead the way..

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