Chapter 19: When is it enough

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Rory had believed that her interviews would be the highlight of her week here in Hamburg, but she was wrong.  The thrill of the interview was overshadowed by her thoughts of a certain handsome businessman. 

Finishing up her last interview, she gathered her things and hailed a cab back to the hotel.  She fought with herself during the entire ride back.  Part of her said that she should be grateful for the one perfect evening that they got to share, but another part of her wanted more.  Logan had always encouraged her to go for what she wanted, to really live every moment. 

Without thinking any longer, she quickly picked up her phone.

Dinner tonight if you're free? -A

It was a risk.  He might have other plans, but she couldn't help but try.  It seemed like an eternity before he responded a few minutes later.

Of course.  And where would the lovely lady like to dine tonight? -L

Her heart leapt when she read his response.  He wanted to see her as well!

Somewhere quiet, maybe?  Surprise me.  -A

You know how I love surprising you, Ace.  I'll pick you up at 6:00  -L

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