Chapter 9: Dinnertime confessions

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They had settled down in a quiet table in the corner of the restaurant, ordering drinks from the waiter, before they spoke again.

"Listen, Ace.  There's something I need to tell you before we talk about anything else.  Several things actually.  But first, you need to know that I'm engaged to be married.  You deserve to know that."

"Logan, I know.  You couldn't possibly think that the future head of HPG marrying wouldn't be discussed in the news, could you?  I know that you're engaged."

"You know?" he quickly answered.  "But you also need to know that I don't love her, Rory.  My marriage is arranged through our parents.  Mitchum and his dynastic plans and all."

"It's okay, Logan.  You don't have to explain.  You've built a life since we last saw each other, and that's okay.  Hell, I would even say it's expected.  It's been eight years; I didn't expect you to wait for me."

They paused briefly while the waiter brought their drinks and took their dinner orders before finally continuing. 

"So, how about you?" he finally asked.  "Anyone special in your life?"  His body tensed and he held his breath while he waited for her answer.

"No.  Well, sort of.  It's...complicated," she said as she looked down suddenly.

"Complicated, Ace?"  No, he didn't like the sound of that at all.  Still, he prodded her to tell him more.  "What exactly does complicated mean?"

"I've been seeing someone for a few months now.  He's a nice man, but it's just not...right.  He's kind.  He treats me well.  It's just missing something, and frankly, with our schedules, we almost never see each other.  The crazy part is that with him, that really doesn't bother me."

He relaxed a bit at this new revelation.  He didn't like hearing that there was someone in her life, but hearing how she described their relationship brought a smile to his face.

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