Chapter 10: The long dessert

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After they had gotten the unpleasant task of discussing their current relationship statuses out of the way, dinner had actually gone quite well.  She kept thinking about the way he smiled when she had told him that she wasn't serious about Paul, wondering if it meant what she wanted it to mean.

They had talked easily about life and friends and the news business during the rest of dinner, enjoying each others' company.  It felt good to have him sitting across from her again, even if only as friends.  They seemed to enjoy their dinner slowly, not wanting the night to end.  At least, she hoped that he didn't want dinner to end either.  They had enjoyed dinner, dessert, and coffee together for almost two hours, but it felt too quick.  She wanted to freeze time, to stay in this moment for longer. 

She finally cleared her throat and said what she had wanted to say all night.  "Logan?  Listen, I need you to know that when I said no that day, it wasn't because I didn't love you.  I did, Logan.  I just needed to be able to find my own way in life, and I didn't feel like I could do that as your wife."

"Ace," he quickly answered, "it's okay.  I never should have put you in that position.  I know that now.  I made a promise to you that day when we stood in front of the maze, and then I did broke that promise.  I've regretted asking you to marry me every day for the last 8 years."

Her face fell as she heard those words.  He had regretted asking her to marry him?  What was that even supposed to mean?  She had been so stupid to think that perhaps he still loved her, too.  She fidgeted awkwardly with her coffee cup, trying desperately not to make eye contact with him after this newest revelation, suddenly aware of the people around her again.

"I see.  Well, I should probably be going.  I'm sure that you have an early morning tomorrow," she quietly said.

"Ace, it's not...look, can we go somewhere more private to talk?  There are still so many things that I need to say."

"I'm not sure I want to hear anymore, Logan.  I guess that last revelation stung a bit."

"What are you talking about, Ace?  Look, can we please just relax somewhere private and continue?  I really want to talk to you more.  I need you to understand why I regretted proposing to you.  It's not what you think, but I would really like to have this conversation in private."

She thought for a bit before she she met his pleading eyes.  God, she had always been powerless to say no to his eyes. 

"Your hotel or mine?" she finally asked with a sigh.

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