Chapter 4: Dazed and intrigued

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Logan closed the door to the cab after putting Rory's bags in the seat next to her and stood there dazed for a moment before he finally grabbed his suitcase and moved toward the car waiting for him.  He got into the car and exhaled deeply as he settled into the seat.  His head was spinning at this chance meeting.  He had dreamed for years of getting another chance with his Rory, but he had begun to doubt that it would ever happen.  And then he collided with her in Germany.  His mind wandered back to the last time he had seen her over eight years ago, when she had turned down his marriage proposal.  God, that had hurt.  He had thought almost every day about how he should have done things differently, and he would have given anything to go back in time and change things. 

His phone beeped at him and he snapped back to reality at the sound.  He groaned audibly when he saw his text from Odette, checking to see if he had landed safely.  Seeing his Ace today reminded him of those dreams he had held for his future, and his arranged marriage to Odette couldn't compare to what they had shared.  He and Odette were friends, engaged to marry each other as part of their families' dynastic plans.  She was a wealthy French heiress, and their parents were anxious to marry the two off.  They didn't love each other, but they did at least share a friendship.  For that he was grateful.  It could have been so much worse.  But still, his heart often ached for what he had with Ace. 

He sat back heavily and closed his eyes for the rest of the ride to the Hamburg office, trying his best to focus on his upcoming meeting.  It was going to be a long afternoon, and he needed to be at his best if he was going to close this deal this week.

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