Chapter 14: This kiss

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Rory wasn't sure what to say to that confession.  After getting so many things out on the table, it had begun to feel like they had never been apart.  The shared glances, the ease of being around him, the banter that they had always shared.  It just felt right to be here next to him.  She had always loved the way that he had tenderly placed his forehead against hers, an unsaid promise of love and protection from him.  A small moan escaped her throat, and before she knew it, she kissed him tenderly, sweetly.  Just a touch of their lips, but her whole body suddenly came alive with that touch.  Opening her eyes and looking at him again, she retreated a bit.

"I'm sorry, Logan.  I don't know what came over me there."

"Sorry?  Nope, a thousand words I could use to describe that moment, and not one of them is sorry," he quickly answered.

"I just...well, I..."

"Rory, it's okay.  Hell, it was good," he reassured her with a gleam in his eyes.

Rory took a deep breath.  It was good.  He had thought it was good, too.  She had missed his lips so badly.  She hadn't kissed a man since him that made her feel that same way.

"Still, I shouldn't have just assumed that it was okay to kiss you," she said as she blushed.

"Ace, you can always assume that it's safe for you to kiss me."

Rory began to smile and her eyes shone when she heard those words.

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