Chapter 8: Beautiful

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God, she looked amazing.  He had met her at the curb when the car pulled up and without thinking, he had reached down and offered his hand to help her out of the car.  The moment she put her hand in his, his whole body reacted to her touch.  She had always had that effect on him.  She stepped out of the car, and seeing her in her red dress took his breath away.  She was so stunningly beautiful without looking like she tried at all.  He longed to envelope her in his arms, but thought better of it.  Letting go of her hand reluctantly, he finally exhaled and spoke.

"Ace, you look beautiful," he whispered lightly.

She began to blush and looked down for a moment before finally meeting his gaze again.

"Thank you," she said, but her eyes said so much more.  He was almost certain that he could see in her eyes that she had missed him as well.

He lightly placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her into the restaurant, and it felt so right to have her at his side again, if only for a night, but that was the problem with Rory Gilmore.  He had always wanted more.  He thought for certain when he had met her that his interest in her would wane after he had finally won her over, but it never did.  It only mounted with each encounter, each kiss.

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