Chapter 11: Desperately seeking privacy

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"My hotel is just down the block, if that's okay with you," he offered as he smiled.  Perhaps this night wasn't over yet.  "We could walk if you'd like?  It's a beautiful evening."

"Sure, that would be nice," she answered quietly.

He hurried over to pull out her chair and hold her coat for her as she slipped her arms into it.  In so many ways, it's like no time had passed at all.  Being so close to her, getting to talk with her, felt so right.  He needed to help her understand what he meant when he said that he regretted proposing to her.

They step out into the cool night air, and downtown Hamburg is gorgeous.  The lights, the chill in the air.  There was something ethereal about this night in Germany, with Ace by his side.  He just hoped she felt the same way.

They entered his hotel and the beautiful lobby seemed to take her breath away.  He chuckled to himself, thinking back to all of the times that she had reacted with such awe and wonder to things that were so common to him that he hardly noticed them.  That was one of the things that he loved about her.  She hadn't grown up with the status that he had, and as a result she had such an appreciation for the world around her.  She had helped him to see the world differently as well.  She had grounded him, helped him grow into a man rather than the butt-faced miscreant that she had called him when they first met.  Just the thought of that day warmed his heart.

They waited in silence for the elevator, each one unsure what the other was thinking, and he thought he saw her breathe a sigh of relief when they finally walked into his suite.

"Well, Mr. Huntzberger, it looks like some things never change," she teased him as she looked around the beautifully-appointed area. 

"That's Master and Commander to you, Ace," he shot back with a sly laugh as he helped her out of her coat.

"Would you like another cup of coffee, Rory?"

"Actually, how about something else?  We could enjoy a cocktail if you'd like."

This wasn't what he expected at all.  Rory had always been much more fond of her precious coffee than of alcohol.  He looked at her quizzically for a moment.

"Sure, any special requests?"

"Nah, I trust you," she said with that shy smile of hers as she met his eyes.

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