Chapter 7: Anticipation building

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Rory awoke with a start and looked at the clock.  5:00.  Time to get moving.  She took a long shower, letting the hot water wash away the long flight.  Her mind drifted to her dinner plans, her nerves mounting.  She dried her hair and put on her makeup, wondering nervously if it was too much or not enough for tonight.  Why did this have to be so difficult?!  Looking through her luggage, she picked through the clothes she had packed with a disapproving look.  She had packed for business, not for dinner with the man who still held a huge piece of her heart.  Trying on outfit after outfit, she finally settled on her red dress with the full skirt and black heels.  Yes, that was definitely the best she could do with what she had brought with her.

She took her laptop out and checked her e-mail, returning work messages to keep herself occupied before dinner.  She was a ball of nerves and had to do something to distract herself while she waited for 7:00.

At a few minutes before 7:00, she looked in the mirror one last time, put on her coat, and took the elevator to the lobby.  A driver was waiting for her at the door.

"Ms. Gilmore?  Mr. Huntzberger will meet you at the restaurant," he stated simply.

"Thank you."

She slipped through the door that the driver held open for her and settled lightly into the seat as he closed the door and returned to the driver's seat.  The car pulled into traffic smoothly and she sat back and closed her eyes, willing her stomach to settle.  She was certain that whatever happened tonight, it would alter the course of her life.  Perhaps she would see what he was no longer the man that she had loved for so many years and could finally move on.  But she truly hoped that they could put the past behind them and move forward as friends.

The car pulled to the curb in front of the restaurant and her door opened immediately.  She was about to ask the driver how he got to her door so quickly when she looked up to see the hazel eyes of the man she had loved so long ago.  He held her hand out to her to help her out of the car with a smile, and she finally reached up to take his hand and stepped out of the car.

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