Chapter 21: The list

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Rory sat there for a moment in stunned silence as she considered the conversation she just had with Logan before grabbing a piece of paper to make a pro/con list. 

It's Logan

I love him


He still holds my heart
He's engaged

It's Logan

I love him


He still holds my heart

She hesitated for a moment, thinking about the words that he had said to her ten years ago.  "People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute.  You climb up here with me, it's one less minute you haven't lived."  She picked up her pen and wrote one final pro.

I'm ready to live again

With her last word written, she heard a knock on her door.  She looked out the peep hole and saw a hotel employee standing there.

"Yes?" she queried while cracking the door.

"A delivery for you, Ms. Gilmore.  Enjoy your day."

She closed the door behind her and turned her attention to the heavy box that had been placed in her hands.  Curiously, she tore away the white bow and dark blue wrapping paper to find a copy of Moby Dick.  Opening the book, a note fell out at her feet.


I hope you don't find yourself growing grim about the mouth and wanting to knock people's hats off tonight.  See you soon.


Rory furrowed her brow, wondering what the night held for her.  Whatever the night held, she knew that it would be magical if she was with Logan.

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