Chapter 3: Coffee for two

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Rory stood for a moment in stunned silence after he took her bags, wondering if the slight brush of their hands affected him as much as it did her.  Finally, she regained her composure and started toward the coffee shop with Logan close behind her.  Her mind began to run wild with questions and anticipation, and her stomach fluttered at having him so close to her again after over eight years.

Logan sat her their bags down at a table and pulled out the chair for Rory before he ordered their coffees.  He returned to the table and sat down facing her, putting her coffee on the table in front of her.  She nervously chewed on her lower lip before finally picking up her coffee cup and taking her first sip.  Slowly, she put her cup down and looked at him for a long moment before speaking.

"I saw that you returned to Huntzberger Publishing Group.  How's that working out?"

"It's going well.  I'm back in London, running the office there.  Mitchum seems to be happy with how I've proved myself over the last 8 years, so he's been more bearable.  In fact, I would almost say that he's tolerable," he said.  "What about you?  How's the reporter's life treating you?"

"Oh, you know.  It keeps me busy.  I've been doing some spec pieces here and there.  I still haven't gotten the right offer for me to be on staff full-time, so this works for now."

He jumped in quickly, "You know that you'll always have a position at any of our HPG offices, right?"

"Logan, really.  You don't have to - "

He cut her off quickly.  "I mean it, Rory.  You've always been one hell of a reporter, and we would be lucky to have you on staff."

"Thank you, really.  I do appreciate that.  So, are you in town for long?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm here for a few days to check in on our office here.  They need some help closing a deal," he answered.  "You?"

"I'll be here until Friday.  I'm working on a piece and have some appointments for interviews here."

"I have a meeting at the office in about an hour, but I would love to take you to dinner tonight to catch up."

She thought long and hard before answering.  She had missed having him in her life so much, and she wasn't sure whether or not dinner was a good idea.  There had always been this attraction, this physical connection between them, and she didn't know where dinner might lead.  She couldn't let herself be vulnerable to him again, not when it still hurt so badly after all these years.  But oh, how she missed having him in her life.  It had been so hard to realize that she couldn't call him to celebrate all of those happy moments in life, and to lean on him when life was hard.  She hesitated for another moment before finally smiling and nodding her head yes.

"Yes, that would be nice," she finally managed.

His eyes lit up as he smiled.  She thought she even noticed him relaxing a bit in his seat finally.

"Thank you, Ace.  Thank you for saying yes to dinner.  As I remember correctly, Gilmore girls must always be supplied with food and coffee.  I'll be your enabler today," he said with a smirk.  "Where are you staying?"

She quickly jotted down her hotel name and her cell phone number and slid it across the table as her heart fluttered a bit.  Oh, how she hoped this wasn't a bad idea.

He took the paper from her and gave her that grin that she had found so irresistible when they had met ten years ago, and damn it, she still thought it was irresistible.  This was such a bad idea.

"I'll send a car to pick you up, Ace.  7:00?"

"Sure, 7:00.  But really, Logan, you don't have to send a car.  I can grab a cab."

""No, I insist.  Please let me do that for you."

She finally nodded her head again before taking the last sip of her coffee and smiled back at him.

"I'll be ready," she finally answered.

"Good!  Let me help you to your taxi."

"Thank you," she answered quietly, fidgeting in her chair before she stood up.

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