Chapter 16: Coming together

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Standing there watching the snow with Ace in his arms, all was right in his world.  He knew all too well just how much snow meant to the Gilmore women.


The sound of her voice broke into his thoughts.


"You know what my mom says about snow?" she asked while she looked up at him.

"I seem to remember something about it being a bit of an omen, no?"

"She says that every good thing in her life has happened while it was snowing."

"Is that so?" he asked

"It sure is, and you know how strongly we Gilmores feel about traditions," Rory said with a smirk.

"I most certainly do," he answered quickly.  "Hey, far be it from me to get in the way of your traditions, Ace.  Do we need to go play in the snow to ensure we celebrate this night with the appropriate reverence?"

Her eyes shone as she answered back.  "No, I can think of a much better way to celebrate this night."  And with that, she stood on her toes and kissed him passionately.

His body instantly responded to the heat in her kiss, and he pulled her closer in his arms as he returned her fervor.  He ached to bring her closer still, to close what little distance was between them, but he forced himself to resist the urge.  This night was about so much more than what he wanted; it was about being what she wanted as well. This was the night he had wanted for the last eight years.

She pulled back from him slightly, began untying his tie and slipped it over his head.  His resolve was quickly waning as his desire for her increased with each passing second.  Before he knew it, she was unbuttoning his shirt.

"Do you want me to take you back to your hotel, Ace?"

She paused for a moment to look at him before she continued with the last of his shirt buttons.

"Rory?" he said, tipping her chin up to look at her blue eyes. "Do you want me to take you back to your room?"  God, he hoped she said no.  He wasn't sure if he could stop here, but he desperately needed to hear her say no, just like so many years ago in her dorm.

"No, Logan.  I want to be right here," she uttered softly before she kissed him again, igniting his body with passion.

"Good.  I don't want to take you back to your room either," he groaned. 

He wrapped his arms around his Ace and carried her to his bed.

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