Chapter 5: Unsure

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Rory sat in the taxi and couldn't help but wonder again if dinner tonight was a good decision.  She missed talking to Logan, their sarcastic banter, the ease of being together so long ago.  No one had ever been able to keep her on her toes the way that he did, had made her feel so alive.  She closed her eyes and could see the mischievous way he looked at her when he had something up his sleeve, the love that was in his eyes when he had looked at her, the way her body had reacted when he touched her.  God, this was going to be hard, but maybe it would be worth it.  Perhaps they could clear the air and maybe even rekindle their friendship.  It would be so nice to be able to talk with him again.  Yes, dinner would be good.  They could catch up on the last eight years and maybe they could finally get some closure.

Rory snapped back to reality as she realized that her cab had stopped in front of her hotel.  She quickly paid the driver and collected her bags and walked to the front desk to check in.  She checked in quickly and took the elevator to the third floor.  Slipping her key in the door, she finally retreated to the quiet of her room and dropped her bags.  She was exhausted from the flight and wanted to take a nap more than anything.  She sent her mom a quick e-mail from her laptop to let her know that she had arrived safely and fell into her bed to sleep off the jet lag before dinner.

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