Chapter 6: The long afternoon

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Logan's thoughts kept drifting during his meeting at the office.  It was difficult to focus on negotiations while he was thinking about tonight's dinner.  He had actually already begun feeling nervous about tonight.  She was the only girl who had ever been able to make him nervous.  He wanted to see his Ace again so desperately.  After those few minutes this morning, he ached with the desire to have her close again.  She looked so stunning, just like he had remembered her.  Those blue eyes had always been the death of him, and from their chance meeting this morning he could tell that nothing had changed. 

He sent a quick message to his assistant asking her to make reservations for dinner tonight at 7:30 during a break and then returned to his meeting.  Negotiations were going better with him present, much to his relief.  In fact, with the new developments today he felt certain that he would be able to close this deal this week.  He loved chasing business deals, negotiating, writing stories.  He had fought against this future for so long because it was what was expected from him, but Ace had finally helped him realize that he loved the news business.  It was his passion, something he was born to do.  When they had broken up all those years ago he had finally agreed to come back to the family business and assume his rightful place at the heir to the Huntzberger throne.  He had thrown himself headlong into his work, using it to dull the pain he felt because she was no longer in his life.  His father had thought he had finally grown up and begun to take life seriously, and while he had matured, his aching heart was the real reason behind his constant work.  If he kept busy, he could almost dull the pain to a manageable ache instead of an all-consuming pain.

He finished his meetings at 5:00, promising to pick them up the next day, and headed to the hotel to check in and shower before dinner, growing more anxious by the moment.

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