Chapter 13: Like old times

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Logan finally exhaled, not even having realized that he was holding his breath as he waited for her response. 

"Now now, Ms. Gilmore, ego was always more of my downfall, not yours," he teased back.

God, this was good.  Having her here, alone so they could talk.  He had wanted this moment since the last time he had seen her on her graduation day.  He noticed that her drink was empty.

"Would you like another, Ace?" he questioned with a nod toward her empty glass.

"No, I'm good now.  I'm shocked you're not on your third yet, though," she answered quickly with a grin.

Truth be told, he didn't even want his drink.  He wanted to remember every single moment of this amazing night and didn't want anything to jeopardize that.

"Well you see, Ace, there are times when even a man such as myself has to admit that there are much more important things than drinking and partying."

She gasped as she shot right back, "Surely you can't be serious?  More important things than alcohol?  And what might that be?"

He scooted closer to her and touched his forehead to hers lightly, locking eyes with her for a moment before finally answering.

"You, Ace.  You."

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