Chapter 15: The omen

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That kiss.  He hadn't really expected that from her but he had desperately wanted it, and now he found himself wanting more.  Every moment he had ever been with her had left him wanting more from her.  That one small kiss had made him aware of his how much his body missed hers. 

Logan Elias Huntzberger, Mr. Confidence, suddenly felt quite unsure of what to do next.  How did she manage to do that to him? 

He ran his hands through his hair and contemplated his options.  He could end the night right here and take her back to her hotel, but that was the last thing he wanted to do.  He was still considering the alternatives when she slowly scooted over to him and laid her head on his shoulder, bringing herself close to him.  He sighed as he took in the way she smelled, how she felt next to him, and he placed his arm around her, pulling her as close as he could, and kissed her on the forehead tenderly.  He didn't want this moment to end.

They sat in silence for the longest time, just enjoying being close to each other.  It was close to 11:00 now and he had an early morning, but he didn't care.  Right now, being in this place, with this woman, was more important than anything else he could think of.


Rory let out a contented sigh.  It was wonderful just being back in his arms like this, even if only for a night.  She had been unsure what tonight would hold with so much history between them, but right now all she could think was that she was immensely grateful for this moment.  She glanced out the windows of his suite and was certain she saw small snowflakes beginning to fall.  She jumped up from the sofa and hurried to the window, straining her eyes to see the white beginning to envelope the world outside. 

"Logan! It's snowing!"

Laughing at her excitement, he joined her at the window.  He watched her quietly for a moment, the excitement shining in her eyes, before he pulled her into his arms and turned his attention to the falling snow as well.

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