Chapter 18: Flirting with more

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Back in her hotel, Rory started the shower as she reflected on the last twelve hours with Logan.  It had been just perfect.  The snow, having him near, making love, and waking this morning to hot coffee, a robe, and breakfast.  He had even insisted on his driver taking her to her hotel and him taking a cab to the office today, despite her repeated protests.  She missed the way that he took care of her when they were together.  Sure, he was good with grand gestures, but he had also been so good at all of the little things.  He seemed to have always known instinctively what she needed and had moved heaven and earth to make sure that she had it.

She finally shook her thoughts away and finished her shower so she could begin to get ready for her day when her phone beeped. 

Thank you, Ace.  Now that you have my number, don't be a stranger.  Have a great day.  -L

A smile came over her face as she read the message from Logan.  She held her phone for a moment before finally replying.

The pleasure was all mine.  -A

Her mind was still back with Logan as she finished getting ready for her big day of interviews.  Taking a final look in the mirror, she noticed that she looked happier than she had in quite some time.


Logan had taken a cab to work, having insisted that his driver deliver Ace back to her hotel safely.  Negotiations were going well again this morning and it looked as though they might even close the deal today, meaning he could be back in London by Thursday morning.

As he checked his phone during a quick break, he saw her response and grinned as he read it.  No, he didn't think that the pleasure was all hers.  They had definitely both shared in the pleasure. 

He was contemplating his response when he was interrupted, the team having hit a small snag in the negotiations and requesting his help.

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