Chapter 20: Surprise me

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Logan had been able to close his deal in this office before lunch and let his assistant know that he would be staying in Hamburg for a couple of days in order to tend to personal business.  Returning to his hotel, he turned his attention to planning his evening with Ace. 

Mulling over his options for tonight's dinner, Logan furrowed his brow.  No, none of them seemed right for this night.  He wanted to treat Ace to something special without risking any media attention.  There were many benefits of carrying the Huntzberger name, but anonymity was not one of them.  The closer he got to marrying and taking his rightful place as CEO of HPG the less privacy he seemed to have, and the last thing he wanted was for his Ace to find herself square in the middle of the tabloids.

Suddenly, Logan knew just what he wanted to do.  Picking up his phone, he dialed her number.

"Hello?" Rory answered.

"Hey there, Ace," Logan said with a broad smile.  "So, I've been thinking about dinner tonight."

"Oh yeah?  Are you hungry, Logan?" Rory giggled.

"Oh, you could say that, Ace."

"What, they don't feed you in that big, cushy office of yours?  Or could you not find anything appetizing on the menu at lunch today?" she shot back.

Thinking back to last night together, Logan's voice softened as he replied, "Let's just say that the only thing that can satisfy my appetite involves a certain blue-eyed, brown-haired girl."

He was certain that he heard a small gasp escape Rory's throat before she answered.

"Well, Mr. Huntzberger, I will personally see to it that we find you a blue-eyed, brown-haired girl tonight after dinner."

" that so, Ms. Gilmore?  That brings me to why I called.  What time is your first meeting tomorrow?"

"Are you implying that you may keep me out all night?  I have to tell you, Logan, I'm just not that kind of girl."

"Oh, that I know well, Ace," he chuckled.  "I've known that since the second time I met you.  But seriously, what does your schedule look like for tomorrow?"

"Actually, Logan, I finished my last interview today."

"'re finished here?  So you're..." he said, his voice trailing off.

Rory seemed to pick up on the disappointment in his voice answered him quickly.  "I'm finished, but I'm not set to fly out until Friday."

"Friday, huh?" he asked, his smile returning.  "And does the lady have any other business that she needs to tend to prior to leaving town on Friday?"

"Well, I do have my heart set on consuming massive amounts of coffee, but my schedule is otherwise clear, should a certain gentleman wish to see me."

"Excellent, Ace.  I'll have a car pick you up at 6:00.  I would suggest that you check out of your hotel and return any phone calls or e-mails that can't wait until you get to the airport."

"Logan, what in the world are you planning?"

"Tsk tsk, Ace.  You asked for a surprise, and a surprise you shall have.  See you soon," and with that Logan ended the call.  He had just enough time to put his plan into action.

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