Chapter 22: Deja vu

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Seeing the lights of the car he had sent for Rory in the distance, Logan took one last look at his phone and turned it off.  He had made arrangements for anything that might come up to be handled by someone else, and he wanted to ensure that he wasn't interrupted.

He laughed to himself at the thought of Ace sitting in the back seat of the car, probably fuming that she currently had a blindfold over her eyes.  Perhaps it was a bit much, but he wanted to be the one to reveal the surprise to her.

As the car pulled up, he opened her door and reached out to take her hand.  She was obviously miffed, but that just made her all the more beautiful. 

"How am I certain that you're not some deranged killer trying to kidnap me?" she snarled as she took his hand and stepped out of the car. 

He opened his mouth to answer, but thinking better of it he simply pulled her close in his arms and kissed her lightly.

"Do you know who it is now, Ace?"

A blush rose up her cheeks as she nodded to him.

"Now, let's get this blindfold off of you.  I apologize, Ace, but I couldn't take a chance of you figuring out the surprise for yourself, now could I?

"No, I suppose you couldn't," she finally said as she let her eyes adjust to the lights around the harbor.  "So," she continued, "we are where?"

"Ah, all in good time, Ace.  Come with me," he answered as he took her hand.  He loved seeing that puzzled look on her face.  Walking down the marina, they came to a large enclosed dock.  He turned to stand in front of her.

"Ace," he said with a sly smile as he opened the door, "I give you our second chance at fulfilling your dream to go out to sea on some fancy-pants yacht."

"Oh no, Logan," Rory said as she shook her head.  "No way am I stealing a yacht with you.  I have a feeling that I wouldn't get off with 300 hours of community service this time."

He laughed as he pulled her into his arms.  "Who says we're stealing this yacht?"

Rory looked puzzled for a moment before she looked up at Logan.  "Logan, you didn't?  Did you?"

"Indeed I did, Ms. Gilmore.  Shall we?"

Rory turned around to take it all in before turning back to Logan.   He could see the answer shining in her eyes as she took his hand and they walked together to the yacht.

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