You wouldn't know this vlog life ... Or would you ?

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***Quick word from the author * **. 
       MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS 🎅🏻🤶🏻 I hope you are all having an amazing time and I'll try to update a special chapter on Christmas Day which will include hard core smut

You're welcome

Ooh another thing...
I'm doing a Logang Competition For a chance to be in this book Follow me on Twitter @livibabexxx and make sure to vote and follow 🙌🏻Love yall and comment some ideas down below I write nearly 3 times a week so  Save this to your reading list. It does start off slow but believe me you better have a towel because it's gonna get HOT! Anyway enough boring shit 👀 Let's get on with the story ❤️

It was just another puddle.
A puddle of rain puddle of sweat
puddle of tears really what's the difference.

I filled my lungs with the moist sweaty air as I picked up the weight... 14kg piece of cake. I close my eyes and imagine a gun to my head , if I don't lift this weight over my head 10 times I'll die. One, ...two , ....three , fou...
"Fuck !" My hand swings to my left , the crowd of 'gym freaks' stare as I'd dropped the weight on my toe . Shit . Biting my lip I scramble to my phone and run out the gym red in the face and rather sweaty.

*****PHONE CALL****

Manager- Hello ... liv ?

Liv - Hey (out of breath )... one ... second ... (very .... heavy breathing)

Manager- Are you okay you sound.... how do I put this ... dead?

Liv- Me?! No no I'm fine just working out at the gym per usual ( I work out once a month if I'm lucky) today's Cardio and Arm day love it!  (lies). Anyway enough about this what's up?

Manager- I've got you an audition in Hollywood!! I can't say anything as it's top secret and if I did I'd have to kill you...

Liv - ....

Manager- I'm joking kiddo but seriously I can't tell you yet but they need a English girl who has had little experience, zero confidence and ( whispers) ... a little over weight DON'T ASK..

Liv - Hey ! It's puppy fat

Manager- so what do you say , Will you do it because it's this or the coffee lady job at the YouTuber support group for Mark Dohner and his OCD , Coffee addiction and not to mention the suspicion of herpes. Don't ask.

Liv- of course I'll do it and Mark Dohner has what ?

Manager - ANYWAY...Got to go uber will be there tomorrow morning at 8am  be ready and in smart stuff , bye...

******End of phone Call******

I grab my stuff and make my way back to my studio apartment the sink filled with dishes from the night before and a -Final Notice - pinned on my door . My fist angrily tears it down and fling myself on my bed staring at the balcony door . The small balcony located next to my bed was the only good thing about this shitty apartment which by the way I  got 2 years ago after moving to America to 'follow my dream' Bullshit ... In reality there was a guy, he screwed me over now I'm living on my own with no one apart from my friends and family back at home who think I'm going to get married to this American guy and become an actress, Two words for you Long shot . I didn't want to prove my family right . They told me the day I left
'Liv you're 18 you cant be going to America on your own what if something happens and we're not there. What if you break up with this guy and you're alone ' ...

Now I am alone no boyfriend no friends no nothing , $30 to my name and a job interview that if I don't get will end up with me on the streets or maybe even  the other side of Donald's wall.

I sit on my balcony in my Ex boyfriends hoodie and Grey pants watching the sun set over Hollywood. Beautiful. Suddenly a notification pops up on my phone.
YouTube- Logan Paul Vlogs posted a new video ' 100th VLOG my 2016 in review!! ' I look down at my phone and smile . It's sad to say that his Vlogs are the highlight of my day but it's even sadder to know that he'll never know who you are or even say your name let alone think about you .

I sip my tea and watch the sun go down I play out in my head what tomorrow could be like what movie I'm going to audition for and I can only pray I get the part.

Once the sun finally sets I call it a night After I've done everything such as dishes and prepared my outfit for tomorrow I throw myself on to my bed and close my eyes.
Only then could you hear my neighbours arguing as their baby cries, distant sirens in the background could be heard followed by gun shots and screaming. Pulling a pillow close to my chest startled, I feel a tear run down my cheek followed by more tears as I slowly cry myself to sleep.

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