Something old, something new...

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A year had passed ever so quickly. Maisie was now old enough to say a few selected words and she could now walk. Today was the day that me and Logan had been waiting a year and I months for and it couldn't of come quicker.

I was in the brides room in one of the most beautiful hotels in London and I couldn't believe how lucky I had got that my soon to be husband flew us out here and his family, Which no surprise didn't include Jake, rumour has it Jake ran off to Canada and got another girl pregnant but since last year he's lost 3 million subs and has completely stopped vlogging... it's everyday bro turned into Never.

I turned to my makeup table and picked up the spare invites.

June 5th 2018

Dear ___________, You have been invited to the
Wedding to join

Mr. Logan Alexander Paul.
Miss Olivia Jemima White

The invites were beautiful and I couldn't stop looking at them. I couldn't believe I was marrying Logan Paul today ! My stomach started to turn as I started over thinking everything that me and Logan had ever done. Looking myself straight in the mirror I said to myself.

"Get a grip Liv, why are you so afraid of this ?" Face palming my hands.

Suddenly I herd a little voice from behind whisper in a low breath very strangely.

"Mommy ... Pretty" Maisie stood there in her little red dress staring at me... her big eyes locked into mine and I got my camera to take a photo...

Her crazy ringlets had finally been tamed by my Mum and she was staring at me in my dress. Not looking away for one second...

She pointed with her big blue eyes at my dress and whispered in her creepiest voice

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She pointed with her big blue eyes at my dress and whispered in her creepiest voice.

She was the spit of Logan. Her nose she hadn't grown in to thank god but the same lips, same face same hair. Honestly we carry them for 9 months go through all that pain just for them to look like their dad ... kill joy.
I giggled picking her up kissing her across her face causing her to burst into hysterics.
I couldn't believe I had made such a beautiful child.

"Right Maisie-moo, Mummy's got to go and get ready now so she can become a princess for Daddy okay" I kneeled down to her level. I waited for a reply but I didn't get one... just dribble. Nice.She ran off into the hallway and my mum followed like a lost dog.

I finally took a breath, zipping up my dress, putting on my vail and my shoes. Before I knew it I was ready to go. I heard the knock at the door from my dad ready to walk me down the isle. I stopped at the mirror and waited having one last look before I became a married woman.

My dad opened the door.

"You ready Sweetie? .... " I stopped in his tracks looking at me in my dress.

"Wow.. you remind me of your mother on her wedding day. Logan is one very lucky boy to have my only child for a wife. Liv you've given me the world and more. You've given me purpose, you've given me a beautiful Granddaughter and you're about to give me a Son-in law. When me and your mother were your age we got told we couldn't have kids without 99.9% chance of miscarriage ... we were heartbroken, but your Mum found out she was pregnant with you in 96 and that was the happiest day of my life. I'm so proud of you " my dad said whilst holding me tight in his arms.
I started to cry when my dad wiped the tear from my cheek and began to walk me to the chapel. We both waited before we opened the doors to reveal all our guests and the wedding service.

"You ready Pumpkin?" My dad whispered.

It took me a moment but I finally plucked the courage.

"Yes" I said as we opened the doors, revealing all the gasping, smiling faces of my friends and family and Logan's friends from Vine, YouTube and Ohio. And that's when I saw him.


I fell deeper in love that day than I ever have in my life.

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