Fresh Start

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Logan's POV

I could say no words to describe how I was feeling in that moment in time, only that my whole body in my whole state of mind felt devoted to that small baby boy. He had A full head of dark blonde hair and my nose. I looked at an out of breath Liv. Who was still in shock that the pregnancy and birth run so smoothly unlike the last time with Maisie.

As I stroked my sons head in my wife's arms the nurse came up to me and patted my back. " by the looks of his daddy is going to be a looker, he's going to break so many hearts one-day".

I looked at her and patted her back sarcastically.

"Well I hope he doesn't break many hearts,  as daddy has respect for women and so should he one day. As unlike most men we believe in equality" I gave her a snooty smile before being passed my son for the first time. I kissed his tiny head as my bicep covered his lower back. He was so small.

" I cannot express how much I love you my son" I began to cry with joy as Liv turned to me and began to cry happy tears. Slowly walking back over to the bed Liv was on I sat down on the bed and looked from our son back to Liv and placed my lips on to hers.

" I love you Liv Jemima Paul with all my heart"

She pulled my head in closer and looked down at our baby before looking at me,

"And I love you to Logan Alexander Paul".

We spent a hours with our son alone before Liv fell asleep and a few hours ago I finally got our son to settle  in London it was currently 7 AM and with all the drama of yesterday I think we deserve the lay In, before I knew it there was a knock at the door.
At first I just thought it was a midwife coming to check on little one. So I passed the baby to liv and wake her up a little. So I went back to Liv  as the door already was open. Not long after I heard at the door shut I heard two little footsteps followed by 2 more.

"Mommy? Daddy ?"

I look up. To see my daughter stood in front of me had blonde curly hair was nearly down to her shoulders and a big blue eyes shown in the light of the hospital room She's wearing a pair of denim dungarees with a striped top underneath. She looks so much bigger and older compared to her brother. And I could see what a beautiful young lady she will turn out to be. I run towards her and pick her up  embracing every second of this two year olds hugs. Before kissing her on the head. Following behind her was none other  than my parents Pam and Greg. My mom bursting into tears after taking one look of liv holding our son. 

" Mom,  Dad... You have a grandson"
Pam burst out with a huge smile as Greg smiled proudly

" Where is Mommy?" Maisie said , I carefully picked her up and turned Maisie around to show her holding the small baby. My mom gasped and cooked over him before my dad piped up.

" Now I'm not the only one who has to experience a boy baby is peeing on you" he pat me on the back before kissing Liv on the cheek and getting a close up of our son with Pam. "He's so beautiful. Logan he look just like you when you was born."

"Is there name?" My Mom asked

Liv looked at me and I looked at her back.

" We was actually thinking that would let Maisie pick her brothers name." Live said confidently.

" Obviously I'm hoping she doesn't say crayon or bacon as I don't particularly want a son called bacon". I interrupted.

We picked Maisie up. And placed her in  Liv's arm right next to her brother who she was fascinated by. Smiling away she points Liv's belly which now had no baby in and  whisperd in a confused manner,


Which Liv responded by pointing to our son and she realised that it wasn't a doll. It was her brother. We explained to Maisie that she could call him anything she wanted. She smiled and nicely stroked baby.

Everyone was so nervous in case she called him cake or something.

"Bob" she said confidently.

But me and Liv looked at our baby and looked back with disappointment.

"Why... would she say that" I whispered to the adults whilst placing my hands on her ears.

We finally played with her for a bit before she fell asleep in my arms.

" His real name is Mason Logan Paul" Liv whispers.

A little smile comes from his mouth as he slowly drifted back to sleep with his big sister finally by his side in the city that is London.


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