Under Pressure (SMUT)

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After a long day packing and rushing around making sure everything was ready for the premier Liv decided to take a breather whilst Logan took a shower. She lay on the bed as the sun from outside trickled in the room like water. She lay flat on her back and looked down at her small bump which should of been bigger at 7 1/2 months but this pregnancy had been a stressful at the beginning and had only just started to calm down and become the dream pregnancy. No sickness, no swollen ankles , no  stretch marks only a cravings for anything sweet. She felt her bump, back to front and smiled down on it.

Liv's POV
*to the baby*

"Hey baby, you're growing so big now and Mummy and Daddy can't wait to meet you! Your big sister Maisie moo is with your Uncle Mark but she cannot wait to be a big sister ! Me and daddy love you very much please stay in there until you need to come out. " I whispered.

I could hear Logan get out of the shower and begin vlogging again.

*from the bathroom*

" Good morning Logang what's popping!!!! I'm all clean and fresh  like my pickup lines ~ayyy~ today is a busy day for all of us GOD FUCKING DAMNIT ?! We have the premier of mine and Liv's new movie 50 shades of Paul being released on Wednesday 10th   So pre order your tickets ayyy *dab*. And we're about to realise a new surprise at www.loganpaul.com/shop
So look out a storm is coming boiiii. Let's go check on maverick, Kong and My unborn child ... YA YEET"

He unlocks the bathroom door, steam is escaping out of the room as he's wearing nothing but a towel and a vlog camera in his hand. His cheeky grin pulls me in as he jumps on the bed to the side of me throwing the vlog camera on the floor.

In a moment of pure madness I grab his face and press his lips against mine. His arms pull me on top of him and wrap around my back. I didn't know if this was the pregnancy hormones or the fact I hadn't been in the mood for sex or physical touch since coming back from the hospital moths ago. But shit was going down.

I broke the kiss, Logan's six pack glistened in the light and his bright blue eyes seeped into my soul. I look at him and whisper.

"We only have 20 minutes before the uber arrives "I pout out my bottom lip as his huge fingers stroke my face then my lips.

"Well let's be quick " he winked before ravenously ripping my shirt off and pulling down my panties.

I grabbed his hair as he quickly went down on me. I felt everything... his tongue was doing things I didn't know it could do and I was loving it. He turned my legs so I was now on all fours and I turned to Jelly. He placed his hand on my belly stroking it lightly. Which I know sounds creepy having sex whilst pregnant but science proves that it doesn't hurt the baby and can actually improve labor timing.

Suddenly he grabbed my hair and slowly guided himself into me. At that moment I had become one with him.

Logan's POV

I had been waiting for this since before the honey moon. I couldn't care less if we had to leave in 15 minutes this meant way more to me than sex. I pulled her hair a bit and placed myself inside of her being careful with every thrust that I wasn't hurting her. My pelvis smacked up agains her.

What ever I was doing at that moment she was LOVING it !!

Mr Logan Alexander Paul ... Sex GOD would look good on my resume I'd have to say ... next to chotch and savage ...

Olivia's Chocolate brown hair and her ice blue eyes staring at me as I turned her around kissing her ever so lightly making her begging for more. I knew she was ready and so was I.

We finished and got cleaned up just in time for the uber. Giggling away like school children in the car after what the past half an hour had become.

Our flight to London wad at 2pm and tomorrow our day consisted of baby scan at noon in London and meet and greets and shopping before the premier in two days.

"So let's go to London baby "

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