Death brings Life

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Liv's POV

I could feel everything, I could feel my baby ripping up my insides and with every push it burned. It had been none stop bleeding for 8 hours and we was warned by doctors to expect the worst that our baby most likely wasn't breathing.
My heart ached but I had to keep pushing for the small chance of our baby being alive. But all I could see was him ...


He had been holding my hand every second of every hour until the doctor told us the news. That's when he went quiet, pale and walked to the corner of the room. He stayed there for 3 hours whilst I held the midwifes hand.
I could see him crying and I couldn't do anything. I knew he blamed himself for Jakes mistakes as my premature labour was most likely induced by stress which was put on by Jake ...

His brother.

Finally 21 hours into labour he came back to hold my hand. I fount complete comfort when I looked at him and no matter what happened at the end of the day it was me and Logan in this as a couple and a family.

I cried for hours and was stabbed cut and drugged up so much the world became surreal. Suddenly nothing mattered and the pain went away. Bright colors filled the room and flash backs of when I first met Logan and good memories danced through my head. I could see Logan so clear, his big blue eyes staring at me he held one of my legs back to push our baby out. His once so blonde  hair now drenched in sweat

A horrible feeling sunk into my body and all I could think of is loosing this baby. I needed to save my baby even if it meant that I couldn't go on. I knew Logan would look after him. Everything was in slow motion the midwifes telling me to push Logan coaching me through it and then it slowly slips away into a dream like state as the pain suddenly goes away. I am numb .

I pray to God Logan is there for him during his life which I could only dream of being apart of. His first smile. The first time he says Mum and Dad , his first days at school his last day at school. His prom and his first girlfriend. Even though I may not be there for that I knew Logan would be. I could hear Logans voice shaking and tears filling up his sinuses as it faded white. "You did it princess, you can let go now he's okay but I can't do this without you" he grasped my head with his huge biceps cuddling me.

I knew then I could let go...

Logan's POV

My dream was becoming reality I could see her crumbling in my hands, the life draining from her eyes but she knew she had to protect her baby. With every push she became weaker . The doctor thought she may have Placenta Previa where the baby's placenta over lies the cervix causing a blockage and a haemorrhage which is extremely dangerous and usually would be treated with a scheduled c-section... but it was too late, our baby had split the placenta and was slowly killing his mother from the inside without even knowing. With every push the more she ripped into.

It went on for hours the shrillness of her screams became unbearable until everything went quiet.

A extremely small baby was taken from between my beautiful future wife's legs. It was covered in blood and rushed away I could only see the light blonde hair on the baby only a bit bigger than my hand being passed to a doctor who began CPR. Liv  didn't even get to say hello, let alone goodbye.
I couldn't take it anymore. The tears rushed down my face and before I could look up. Liv's heart rate dropped and she was rushed away from me.

That's when I heard the cry... the most beautiful sound in the world. I looked up my hands praying that that baby would be okay, I didn't care if it was Jakes or mine I would love him. I stared up at the midwife as she asked me to follow her to a premature baby unit.

And there my child was, All alone in a dark room trapped inside an incubator mother in a life saving operation and the only contact he'd had was with a doctor pushing on his tiny frail ribs to get his heart working.

I looked over at the midwife unable to talk. I felt the tears again from my eyes I thought to myself *This Is my fault my baby is early and my soon to be wife is nearly dead because I wouldn't wake up * that's when the midwife turned to me placing one hand on my shoulder my maverick tank top covered in Liv's blood she gave me a pitiful smile.

"Congratulations Mr Paul you have a baby girl"

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