TEXTING LOGAN (Gender Reveal Surprise)

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Ever since Logan found out the gender two days ago he's been so caring and supportive. I couldn't bring myself to look at the slip with our babies gender. He had been out at the gym for a good few hours leaving me to my own devices snuggled up in a love sack out in Logan's balcony with a book in my hand. The warm LA sun soaked into my skin that was once so pale. I placed my sunglasses on and basked in the sun.

"You alright here dude?" A voice said, I turned to see a very well dressed Mark with a shy looking Jake following.

In my head I could only think one thing...

"Oh hi Mark !" I said giggling away to myself.

"Ha ha very funny, Jake's here rather early for the party and I thought you'd want to talk to him about everything since you've been ignoring the answer phone messages for A MONTH! Jesus Liv" he said sarcastically before he turned away to go back inside

"I'm editing if you need me " Mark shouted vigorously from the kitchen.

"Liv ...?" Jake nudged as he pulled up a chair. I completely ignored him folding a page in my book.

"You can't ignore me forever you know!" He replied

"Oh yeah " I jested putting my headphones in ... "speak away"

"Well fine if that's how you're going to be then I may as well tell you everything... I love you liv ! When you chose Logan it broke my heart. I miss our 1am chats in the pool about how many doughnuts we could eat in a minute and the way you're dimples rise when you smile. I am completely and hopelessly in love with you and you barely know me. I was angry at you for not thinking twice about me so I told the papers about you and Logan , it was the most selfish and inconsiderate thing I've ever done" he rested his face in his palm. "And .... "I unplugged my headphones...

"You love me ?"

* TEXT FROM Logan *

"Sorry it's Logan I have to get this Jake" I replied softly

"Okay it's fine I'll go " Jake said disappointedly,

Hey baby girl, You feeling better? X

Hey Handsome ! Yeah we're both doing okay he's started to grow now and I no longer fit in my jeans :( Can you pick me up a pair from Target ? TY xx

So you think our baby's a he ? ;) and on it... just getting the last few bits for the party. Has anyone arrived yet ?

YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME ! You know the gender I don't so no spoilers you twat! And Only Jake and Mark obviously 🙄

Did you just call me a 'twat' wtf 😂 You're so British it's cute! Which reminds me are your parents coming because my Mom and Dad should be here soon.

My parents told me they weren't coming as they couldn't afford the flights. Logan never asked about my parents before now and knowing they're not going to be here for the Gender Reveal , Baby Shower or even the birth makes my heart sink.


Liv?? X


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