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*slowly inhales and tries to contain excitement*

*slowly inhales and tries to contain excitement*⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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HE FUCKING REPLIED AND IM SCREAMING... ANYWAY #Dohnation and #Logangsters #Janksters and #JakePaulers #GregPaulers and #VlogMoms... #Chantsions #Brooksters #Martinis ( I made that up for the martinez twins ) and what ever else you guys are...

Back to the story after 2 weeks as my pregnant friend lost her baby the other day so I've been busy with work and supporting her I hope you understand. I love you all so much and remember to Vote and Comment I read every single comment. Thank you for helping me SMASH 75k we're now the #1 Logan Paul Fanfiction and I'm sure if Logan read this he'd be seriously freaked out.... I'm just glad I didn't advertise it on marks video when he responded since this chapter will have him in 🤤😍
lots of love guys stay safe ... BE A SAVAGE AND REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BE A MAVERICK

Peace ✌🏻❤

- LE

Postnatal depression is one thing new mothers don't think about when they've just had a baby. They say after you have a baby you get filled with a ' glow ' the same glow they promised throughout pregnancy... oh the lies.

I just wanted to sleep all the time. When Maisie cried I'd sort her out but it was getting to the point where I would think to myself what's the point. Logan wouldn't talk to me. Jake is no longer in the picture. Paige went back to England and I  Had no one.
I'm completely alone apart from the brief time I spend with Maisie.

Don't get me wrong I love her with all my being but since she was born and she's started growing up she's already in 1 months old clothes and that's rare for a premiee. I'd woken up and started to get ready for the day which I fount so hard. But no one else was going to do it. Logan was gone when I woke up per usual, he's probably at the gym. I feed our daughter and put her down for her morning nap, I tidy up and start working on my first vlog on mine and Logan's family channel.

LoganLivandBabySavage posted their first video

Logan Paul's Daughter Finally Home? Birth Q&A..

Suddenly Maverick and Kong started to go nuts...

*Maverick Squarks and Kong Whimpers


KongDaSavage - "is it daddy plz be daddy I need cuddles soon pwease "

Maverick - "SHUT THE FUCK UP "

I open the door to see a very happy looking mark...

"Hey Liv, what's up! Mind if I come in for a bit me and Logan was meant to hang out but he didn't show up which is unlike him"
Mark sat down on the lovesack

Maverick- GIMME METH *

"Shut up mav" Mark shouts.

"I haven't seen him since last night I thought he went to they'd with you maybe or Johannes, George or someone I don't know... now I'm getting worried it's been 5 hours since I woke up and I've really have been struggling with Maisie at the moment, it's like I'm stuck in this loop and I can't get out of it Mark."
I feel marks hand over my shoulder as I rest my head on him. It was so nice I could have a guy friend who Logan loved more than me and he's always there to look after me.

I got up and took Maisie out into the balcony to get some air when I saw George from his apartment. I passed her to Mark and ran to the edge of the balcony.

"Yo Georgie" I screamed he heard me and came up to his window to answer.

"Liv My gal !!! I'm kinda busy at the moment I've got Alissa over what's wrong" he asked .

Which reminded me... I've never met Alissa I've been in Logan's life for a year nearly I'm marrying him and I haven't even met Alissa... wow ... I guess she avoided me after the thing with Jake but she can't talk.

"Have you seen Logan? He's gone missing!" I shouted

That's when Alissa piped up..

" Hey Liv mind if I come over for a bit and meet the new member of the Paul's".

I look at Mark who's just as confused as I am. Then I whisper

" 1 because haven't met her 2 I'm kinda busy trying to find my missing soon to be husband and 3 NOT NOW ALISSA. " but automatically I shouted

"Yeah sure" fuck...

She came round and began playing with Maisie and they both looked pretty content, she probably stayed a good 5 hours, helped out with Diapers and feeds Alissa made the perfect Nanny but yet I was still not sure about her. I mean Amanda told me she was one to watch.

It was now 11pm and No one had left... Logan had been missing for a day now and I was contemplating wether to call the police. I mean a YouTube star who's just had a baby makes great bait for money but Logan is BIG and wouldn't let that happen. Then it made me think.

I haven't been myself lately, what if I put him off and he's left me and Maisie on our own. What was I going to do?

Thats when the doorbell rang and kong went crazy sniffing underneath the door... he only ever does that for Logan so I run to the door and swing it open not even looking at him and gave him a hug. His smell was different yet it felt like him

"I missed you so so much I'm sorry I'm so sorry " then I looked up to see a sweaty bruised and beaten looking Jake crying hugging me.

"Jake where's Logan?"...

Savage - Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now