The Nipple Problem with George and Mark

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Liv's POV

We'd just arrived home and put Maisie down for a few hours whilst me and Logan sorted our lives out, unpacking our clothes and having a tidy up. We'd ordered sushi as I hadn't been able to have it whilst I was pregnant and id never been so excited for food in my life. I decided to put on some makeup for the first time since giving birth and the struggle was real. I was In the process of applying my jeffree star 'posh spice' Liquid lipstick when I felt a huge presence behind me wrap his arms around my back and he kissed my cheek. I giggled at Logan and turned my head to kiss him properly.

"I love you " he whispered. Then a loud voice shouted from the other ide of the lounge.

"AWH LOGAN BERRY, I LOVE YOU TOO" George Janko shouted as mark followed in with a bunch of flowers and a small rabbit plush.

"I love you too logan .." Mark said.

Logan ran towards them.

"That's my BOIIIIII" he said whilst bro hugging them both. " But y'all gotta be quiet because baby is sleeping dudes"

George gasped in excitement, his little legs danced about.

"Fuck dude you're a Dad now! My boy's all grown up." he said whipping out his vlog camera.

"Janksters look who's back after 2 weeks of hiding. ITS MAH BOII" George shouted enthusiastically turning to a very embarrassed mark.

"Well Daddy Logan" George hinted to logan

" Dude don't call me Daddy" he punched Georges arm.

Logan looked at mark and George "do you want to meet our baby then ? "

"YES" they both screamed

Logan went in her room and brought her out.

"He's so precious such a pretty boy ! " George said

Logan chuckled.

"This is Maisie"

Mark was passed over the baby. " Maisie is a very...( he paused) Masculine name" mark jitterd.

"Well I hope not since she's a girl" Logan laughed.

"A girl ! " George shouted disturbing Maisie making her scream and cry.

She was Hungry.

"Logan I need to feed her and we haven't done a actual breast feed yet" I worryingly said.

"Guys make yourself at home I'm just going to help liv in the bedroom"

"Oooh help in the bedroom can I join" George said jokingly nudging mark on the sholder, they both giggled like school boys.

"Actually ...after she needs her diaper changing so your Uncle George and Uncle Mark can do that for you my princess" Logan said holding Maisie under her armpits pulling a face to he as her bottom lip started quivering. George and Mark looked at each other in regret and shut up.

"Logan now please" I rushed.

We both sat in the bedroom on the edge of the bed as I cradled Maisie close to my chest ready to feed.

"Well if I just move your .. to her ... ah .. uhh .. urmm" Logan struggled trying to shove my breast into our child's mouth awkwardly.

"Ouch, she's biting my nipple and she's falling off..." I screeched.

" Well you was fine when I did it and I actually have teeth" he joked about until I gave him a disapproving stare stopping him right in his tracks.

"She's not latching right Logan just hold her a second " I passed her over whilst rubbing my boob to create milk flow whilst Maisie was dribbling everywhere.

Logan was topless he had been since we got back home so he could quickly go to the gym before we had guests but George and Marks unannounced visit interrupted everything. Maisie tried to latch on to Logan which left him giggling.

"Don't let her do that" I grabbed her from him.

I placed her where she latched on and my boobs started to leak...

"Logan towel... Logan towel ...quick ...NOW LOGAN GET A TOWEL NOW .... " I rushed him.

He wiped up the dribbling milk from my chest and I looked down on my now milk stained top.

"Oh for crying out loud I just got this top" I cried

"Liv look" Logan interrupted poining to our daughter who was now peacefully latched on, her golden hair shimmered as she closed her eyes.

"I'm doing it ! she's feeding! Logan I'm being a Mum" I beamed a smile.

"And you're the best Mom Liv" Logan said hooking his arm over me kissing my forehead watching our baby girl feed from me for the first time.

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