Breaking water

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Liv's POV

I was laying in bed with Logan my legs wrapped around him  his warm embrace kept me calm as the sounds of LA city could be heard from the background.
That's when I heard it, the smashing noise upstairs. I went to wake Logan up but he wouldn't budge, it was probably maverick as he had the tendency to escape his cage and fly about upstairs so I go up to investigate.
Slowly waddling  I grab the closet thing to me which was unfortunately a screwdriver and make my way upstairs holding my bump as I walked.

I looked around but nothing could be seen until someone grabbed me from behind and placed something over my head. A sharp shooting pain down my spine made me fall on the floor as the figure dragged me. I tried to scream but only squeaks came out.

Before I knew it the figure had carried me to a car and placed me into the back of their car trunk. That's when I heard the voice of my capture which was so familiar.

"He's mine" the voice whispered...

It was Jake... Jake kidnapped me

Before I could react I felt the water trickle down my leg and I felt like I'd peed myself. Suddenly I knew I hadn't peed myself, I was in labour.  Labour 5 weeks premature is extremely dangerous and me and Logan had been keeping my physical activity and stress levels at the minimum to prevent this from happening. But it was too late it was go time and I had been shoved in the back of Jakes car. The pressure started to build up, placing one hand down to feel I could feel my cervix widening meaning i needed to get to the hospital soon. Trying to remember what the midwife at the one  birthing class told me and Logan about labour and the early stage vs the last stage , if my contractions were 2 minutes apart then it's time to push.

I calmed down enough  to count the minutes between each contraction which  seemed like it was going on forever. 8 minutes apart shit.


A light flashed from my bra ... It was my phone that I thought Jake had taken and Logan had text.

Text from Logan

LIV WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU! I woke up and you're gone ! - 11:35 pm

I lifted the phone to my nose and tried to type as my hands were tied together.

Message to Logan



I prayed that he'd know what to do or know what I was on about that was until Find my iPhone came up on my screen ... he was trying to find me.

I gritted my teeth In pain as another contraction pulsed down my spine into my lower back. Tears ran down my face and a helpless feeling absorbed my body. My baby is going to die because of me.

I try to scream but nothing was coming out and the pressure building up in my lower back was getting unbearable. That's when Jake stopped the car. The foot steps grew louder and louder until he opened the trunk to see the water covered mess.

He froze Jakes face was slowly loosing color and he pointed to my lower half. I looked down to see that I was bleeding. That's when Jake took me inside.

"Jake .. you need to take me to the hospital I'm having the baby! Please" I whimpered as tears streamed down my face, gritting my teeth with every contraction which were now 4 minutes apart.

"I can't ... I mean I didn't mean for this to happen I just wanted to talk because you wouldn't talk normally and now this happened, I'll loose my job my YouTube channel because of this I can't ! " he started panicking realising the seriousness of the situation.

That's when Logan burst through the door.

"LIV " he shouted


That's when Jake ran off and left me in that chair.
I understand we're he's coming from but at the end of the day he's young he doesn't know what he's doing. So I decided that I was going to leave it for now.

The pain grew but having Logan there made it easier to deal with, not long after the ambulance came to take us to the hospital. And Logan's face was pale white he was scared and so was I. We wasn't planning this, 5 weeks early and I was bleeding meaning something else was wrong and all I could do was lay there and wait.

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