Brotherly love- Honeymoon part 1

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Relaxing on the sandy beach's of Hawaii with my blonde curly haired daughter in my arms is what I could almost define as perfect

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Relaxing on the sandy beach's of Hawaii with my blonde curly haired daughter in my arms is what I could almost define as perfect. My amazing husband running down from our villa and wrapping his hands around my body kissing our daughters cheek making her giggle. As a family we watched the sun set on the private beach on the coast of Hawaii.

Logan's golden blonde hair now glistend and his sun kissed skin rubbed up against mine.

"When did I get so lucky " he said taking Maisie from me and kissing my forehead.

"Honestly I don't know how life got to be this perfect " he said looking out into the distance.

We all took a calm walk down to the poolside just us two after dropping Maisie off at the kids club. Nothing was going to get in our way of us having our dream honeymoon ...

Unfortunately I spoke to soon.

" Move out the way losers !" A blur of a body came running down from the villa and another one not far behind it.

"You're running to fast Lily ! Behave "I screamed at her.

"You're not her mom Liv " I looked into a pool to see a soaking wet Jake, his biceps tensed as he stretched and part of me was still getting off from it. Until a golden ripped Logan jumped in the pool, his rock solid abs dripped off water as he went towards Jake. I grabbed a pissed off lily and tugged her out of the icey blue pool.

" Look Jake I wanted to make things right so I let you and Lily come to Hawaii with us but we didn't mean stay with us. We're not how we used to be and if you even want a shot at us being brothers again I suggest you and Lily go somewhere else." Logan announced to Jake.

I looked into Lily's eyes and was preparing to say the exact same until. I saw the face I'd grown up with. I saw Maisie in her and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't shout at her.  I look over to Logan who was loosing his shit in the pool with a petrified Jake cowering in the middle.

"Lily you're 5 months pregnant you can't be running around like this. And I think it's best  if you go somewhere else  just for the day and you know, you can ..." I look over to Logan hinting that I'd ran out of ideas.

"Annnnndddddd..... you can hang out with Jake and you know spend some ... eh .... time together."

Logan jesters back to me.

"Yeah what he said" I follow.

Lily Jake went inside to change his clothes and me and Logan spend some quality time together. When I mean quality time I mean me, him and his camera. He was so passionate about film making I loved it and he spend so much  documenting this pregnancy that he'd almost forgotten he already had one child.

"I'm just going to pick up  Maisie " I say kissing Logan's forehead as I lifted myself onto two legs and before I knew it Logan had thrown me over his shoulder and started tickling me.

"LOGAN STOP ... PUT ME DOWN .... LOGAN ....." I screamed but being Logan he didn't listen to a single word I was saying.

"LOGAN I'M GOING TO PEE MYSELF IF YOU DON'T PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!" I hit his back as finally he slumped me into his arms as he carried me like a baby on the privet beach in Hawaii.

Grabbing his head I pull him into a kiss which makes him loose his footing and we both fall into the sandy remnants below.

"Ouch .. fuck Logan how much to you weigh, you practically flattened my arm" I moan rubbing my now Logan squashed arm (my take on Ohio Fried Chicken #LoganSquashedArm )

He leans in to kiss me his nose pressed up against my cheek and his lips locked syncing to the same flow as my lips. I grabbed his hair and pushed him onto his back climbing on his front. I pinned him down and was ready to show him to not mess with the Mrs until my phone went off. It was the Kids club we left Maisie at. I could bet any money it was Maisie playing up, she gets that side from her dramatic father. I went back to kissing Logan making my way down his neck, nibbling on every part of his body I was so in the mood .

Logan grabbed the phone and put it up to his ears , I pout at him as his index finger slides over my lips to keep me quiet.

"Hello .... yes this is Maisie's Father .. " he went silent for a minute before leaping up and running from the beach as fast as he could.

"Logan ... " I ran after him.

"Where's Maisie ?!" I whimper my eyes and nose now running after I ignored the phone all.

"She's gone Liv"

Hey guys I'd like to give a shoutout to LilyReed7 who plays Lily in the novel. She is also an amazing writer and if you read her Jake Paul Fanfiction keep a look out for Liv in that story. Go follow her and check out her stuff it's amazing!! And a massive thanks to CasperMonkey who is my amazing pen pal and I love her dearly she also writes dope Fanfiction and a huge that you to every single one of you! I really love you all. We're one big happy family and I love you.

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