Dear Logang... I'm sorry

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The past week I have been objected to a lot of hate... mostly by people who follow me and frankly it's really got to me. Which I know is pathetic but I'm a person with feelings the end of the day.

I have decided to put the story on hold. Due to constant hate.

I started writing this book a long time ago when my grammar and English literature wasn't so well, but I had strength and power and I had you guys. You drove my passion of writing to grow.

We got to 1# most popular Fanfiction in less that 4 months! Jesus Christ that made my day.

But I began to write this as a scapegoat to release the pain of bullying and hate I already had it now it's coming back.

I despise how a few people it's okay to write hate on something that has literally taken so much time and effort. I have been scared to upload I have a chapter waiting but I'm to scared to upload. I am human ... I'm not brave and I try to help people when I can on this book hence why I messaged people back when they need help with anything.
I thought I was doing a good thing ...

My name is Olivia I come from a place called Nottingham in the United Kingdom

This is me 🔽 I'm extremely sensitive and I mess but you guys helped me with my confidence.

This is me 🔽 I'm extremely sensitive and I mess but you guys helped me with my confidence

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I don't know if I can carry on...

I've failed you guys and I've failed Logan.

I'm not a good writer. I barely got a C in English on my exams when I was at school and this is my first shot of writing that has actually blown up and became something amazing.

I'm not a savage or a maverick... because I failed you guys.

I'm sorry

I hope you can forgive me.

Savage - Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now