Call me Daddy Paul

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MERRY CHRISTMAS, TODAY MARKS 1 year since writing savage and in a year we've nearly hit 500,000 views which is 1/2 million. Thank you so much guys, without you my happiness wouldn't exist and I doubt I'd even be here❤️ you've all saved me xx

Logan's POV

Her contractions came and went every 15 minuets on the dot, slowly but surely we was getting there. I stroked her hair behind her head and promised her it would be okay. Liv finally managed to get some sleep after hours faint contractions, when we heard a faint knock at the door which I ignored at first. After countless attempts of knocking I finally opened the door to be greeted with this young looking girl with deep hazel eyes long brown locks of hair smiling at me with braces on her teeth.

She held a book close to her as I stared at her in disbelief thinking she was a nosey fan trying to get a quick selfie with me and Liv.

"You do realise this is a privet room, as in you're not allowed in unless you're a midwife for this ward I'm sorry this isn't a good time for a picture..." I was rudely interrupted by her barging into our room and completely ignoring me.

She went straight up to Liv, checked her notes and started fiddling with
the tubes connected to her perfect body.

"Hey look kid, you need to leave or I'll call security. Get away from my wife, do you even know who I am?" Pushing past her I look her in the eyes which pulled me in.

"Mr Paul maybe you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I'm Dr K Stephens I'm Olivia's Midwife... and honestly Mr Paul I know who you are, you don't need to brag to me I'm still not impressed" She lifted her glasses down at me in a sassy way.

That's when I heard a squeak from Liv's mouth.

"Ouch shitting, fuck" she crumpled her face up in pain as I ran to her side grasping her hand.

"It's okay baby girl I'm here" I whisper as the new yet sassy midwife checked her dilation.  She paused at every contraction which was now every 2 minuets instead of every 15 minuets. We was getting closer.

"I think you need to start pushing Mrs Paul ..." the midwife promptly said whilst pulling my wife's leg up to her chest and smacked me to do the same with the other leg. I do what I'm told and push her legs back as I could see Liv's face crumpled up in pain.
Three push's in and we was making progress, no problems what so ever.

"C'mon sweetheart, you're doing so well and baby will be here soon." I was rudely cut off my Liv's hand smacking me across the face.

" I don't want your preppy motivational speech Logan I'm trying to concentrate on pushing your child out, okay ?!" She snarled at me before pulling my hand so far into hers I could feel her grasp crushing my knuckles.

Finally she let go of my hand. " Ouch Liv you have no idea how much that hurt..." I said rubbing my red knuckle, which was responded by a angry and sweaty looking Liv and a disappointed midwife.

I quickly get up and return to my position holding her legs back. That's when everything started to become surreal.
I kissed Liv's head as every push our baby got closer to being here. First the head, then the shoulders and before I knew it he was about to be born.

"Are you going to let your baby fall Mr Logan ! I suggest you go and deliver your child." The midwife pulls me around " I thought that was your jo...." I was interrupted by a large scream from Liv "It hurts so much " she pushed and as she pushed her pain away I became the first one in the universe to hold my child ...
Our child had Large blue eyes and a huge head of dark brown hair like Mommy. I was to busy shaking to realise Liv was waiting for our baby.

I pass out child over and she burst out in tears which set me off.

"You're so much smaller than your sister you're like a little Doll ... "

I look under our child's blanket.

" Liv ..." I whisper to her, to she responded with a smile.

"We have a son !"...

Savage - Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now