The Savages Daughter

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You guys honestly amaze me. And I'd like you guys to choose the name for the baby ! The name with the most replies on it wins !! You can send me ideas on --

Snapchat- Livcuthbert56

Twitter- @Livibabexxx

Instagram - LivEdwardo

Or just send me a message, write on my wall or comment down below and don't forget to vote !! ❤❤

Logan's POV

Two days she's been in this world and for two days she's been fighting. At some points I didn't think she would make it, at some points we lost hope.
I haven't left that hospital for anything. I haven't showered, I haven't eaten, I haven't slept. But now I can't afford to be selfish I can't sleep because what if my daughter  needs me and I'm asleep or out or at home. I can't leave her.

Liv's condition however had been getting worse, there was something the doctors weren't telling us and I had to know why.

My social media was blowing up as I hadn't posted for 3 days people and Logangsters were starting to worry. I looked out the window of our room in the hotel onto the car park below to see two teenage girls with a large bunch of flowers, they saw me and waved gently as if they knew what was going on. They placed the white flowers next to a tree where our hospital room was facing sat down and waited.

It was so different to anything the Logang had ever done I don't know how they fount me but I didn't care. They are usually so lively as a fan base and to see them acknowledge me and a person instead of another celebrity and to understand there is something wrong takes a special type of fans and I love them.

Hours passed and the two girls didn't leave they just sat and waited, more logangsters came and lay flowers and sat down with the two original girls. Before I knew it there was around 1000 logangsters outside the hospital at night. Not causing a fuss, not making noise, just sitting, waiting. The wave of flowers and teddies grew larger and I knew I couldn't let them stay there all night.

That's when the midwife came in with My brother and a envelope.

I was so ready to kill him, this was his fault this has happened. But I had no fight left in me and I could see in his eyes he was suffering. I just looked down in disgust. 

"I thought you should know that Liv gave birth to her at 11pm  on Friday" I said whilst staring out of the window onto the Logang below.

"She ? " Jake paused in utter disbelief.

"They read the scan wrong, she's a girl " I replied grasping the envelope in my hand as I started to open it my hands shaking as my fingers pulled out the letter with the name of the newborn baby Girls father.

And there it was ...

Baby Female and Male Paul Paternity test -

And boy ? I thought to myself there must of been a mistake. but I carried on to read,

Liv Edwards- Biological Mother percentage - 100%

then I look down the page to see mine and jakes name in bold...

Paternity -

Jake Joseph Paul - Biological Father to Male 100%

Logan Alexander Paul -Biological Father to the Female 100%

I looked over to Jake, who was waiting to hear the news. I couldn't understand what had happened.

"I don't understand, I think there's been a mistake" I said passing the sheet of paper over to him.

He looked at it and sat down on the chair I was one in rubbing his brow.

"What does it mean Male and Female, I don't understand you told me it was a girl! " Jake said in frustration.

"Well I don't know Jake do I or I would of told you if there was two babies and I'm not being funny how the hell could we both be the father to two different twins !" I shouted.

"You haven't exactly been the most cooperative partner in this situation Logan and I don't know the gender test did say a boy so maybe you're keeping something from me !"

that was when Liv came in wheeled in by a nurse. She glared at Jake.

"So you had twins and didn't tell me one was mine Liv you spiteful cow" Jake lashed out.

"Twins? what do you mean Twins.." she looked over at me.

I handed over the sheet of paper from Jake. She spent a while reading until she looked over in shock. That's when the midwife came in. With her head down in shame. All three of us crowded round. She looked at us her hands scratched her head.

" There was a second baby.."

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