Road Runner

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Sorry guys for the delay on the upload I have been through hell this week.

1) I got dumped by my fiancé of 7 years on Wednesday because I work too much ....

2) I got fired from my job because I was too emotional and I may have used work PC to write This book on my break and got caught.

3) I may be moving to Mexico...

I'm so sorry guys I would of updated sooner but I needed time.

LE x

Liv's POV

I grabbed Logan's hand and ran towards the hotels golf cart whilst Jake and Lily followed. Unable to think of a solution to getting to the airport I shoved Logan onto the hotels golf carts I jumped in and turned the key as tens of employees ran after the stolen cart I Drove as fast as I could. Logan hung on for dear life as I sped around corners on to the highway just to try and find a shortcut to the airport.

"Liv ... " lily whispered nervously hanging on to dear life In a open golf cart on
One of the busiest highways In Hawaii.
I ignored her.. concentrating on driving speeding past everyone in our path.

Jake interrupted...


I see Maisie's little head of blonde curls out of the back of a jeep. I had to save my baby. But how?
They was waiting on my answer before I came up with an idea... that could risk everything.

I pushed the gas up to 80mph and grabbed Logan's hand close to me.

"Logan grab the wheel... now" he grabbed it as I climbed onto the golf buggys roof still with my bikini on from earlier that day.
I looked down to see Jake now driving and Logan grabbing my ankle, his eyes filled with doubt and panic.

"You can't do this Liv... please I can't risk loosing you, not again think and it the baby in you right now. " Logan's hand started to loose grip on the golf buggy roof and slowly he began to fall before Jake swung out and grabbed him by the arm pulling him in to safety.

"Thanks brother " Logan said to Jake before jumping into the jeep in front.

"LOGAN STOP " I scream, I couldn't bare to see him get hurt I can't live without him but my daughter is in that car and it's my fault she's in that car to start with.

I see Logan smash the car window and climb in. Suddenly the jeep lost control sending it rolling down the road until the now mangled car had stopped and the street filled with smoke making it unbearable to see or breathe. That's when the explosion happened sending debris everywhere.

"MAISIEEE !!!! NOOOO MY BABY ... LOGANNN !" I fell off the car roof onto the hot road below my knees all messed up and bloody I make my way hobbling to the crash before Jake hold me back and pulls me in to his chest.

"You need to call the police, ambulance or anything just make sure they're alive Jake please."

"The cars been blown up Liv I'm so so sorry he's gone, my big brothers gone" he said crying to me.
I balled my eyes out into his soft chest, my daughter and husband gone.

My life was over.... that's when I feel a little hand on my shoulder.

"Mommy?" It was a beaten up looking Maisie her once so golden hair now covered in blood and dirt and her white dress ripped and stained yet the sparkle in her eye remains, unlike Logan who pulled us on to a warm embrace kissing me on the forehead.

"You're alive?!" I whispered to them before feeling a sharp pain on my side.

Logan looked down to see a large piece of debris sticking out of my stomach covering my stomach and bikini in blood.

I blacked out.

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