DNA Part 2 - Drunk love?

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5 months earlier
Jakes POV :

Liv had been here for about 3 weeks now and the more I got to spend time with her the more my passion grew for her. I craved her affection I needed it, I know she loved Logan but he's out of the picture at the moment and I really think I could have a chance of a serious relationship. No one in my family or my friends takes me seriously I'm always the pranker the funny one the smaller younger Paul brother who never takes anything seriously. But she treats me differently than the others. She cooks for me , we go out together to restaurants I come home from a shoot at Disney and she's done my laundry. She cares and I didn't ask her.

She's different and I'm falling for her.

We had made today our movie night as it was my only day off in a while so I got a few beers and we sat and watched the film.

Liv chose The Fault in our stars and about half an hour in we'd demolished about 12 beers between us and Liv was getting tipsy.
Before I knew it she was cuddled up in my arms crying at the film, i brushed her chocolaty hair through my fingers her hair gave off the smell of coconut from her shampoo and it filled my lungs. I exhaled feeling the alcohol go straight to my head everything began to feel surreal.

Before I knew it i was upstairs with Liv, her lips were pressed onto mine and I felt her hands caressing my face.

Liv's POV-

The room was spinning but the buzzing feeling ran straight through me. I felt the body that was in front of me and the smell was of Logan, all I could imagine was Logan as I threw myself on top of him. He placed his large hands on my hips as I felt all the way down his chest and began to kiss his neck picturing Logan with every breath. The room was still spinning and I felt myself drifting in and out of sleep.

I could feel everything but mostly I felt Jakes fingers inside me and I was too drunk to know what I was doing, his hot breath seeped on my naked chest and before I knew it he'd flipped me over so I was underneath him lifting my legs up against his chest in the process. I felt my eyes dropping and the room continued to spin until I felt him thrust against me. He pulled me up into a warm embrace but all I could think about was Logan. When Jake was kissing me I imagined Logan when he would wake me up with a kiss, when Jake would thrust in and out of me it reminded me of that time me and Logan first met and how passionate it was. Then it got me thinking, Logan was probably smashing 10 other girls since we've been apart. We was never official we just talked about it, yeah he asked me and I said yes but he insulted me and said I'd ruin his reputation. Unlike Logan , Jake cared.

When I was in the U.K my Ex's little sister used to watch Jake on Disney channel so I obviously used to pry on Jake and think he's moderately attractive and since my acting career has grown I've always had him as an inspiration, he was the crush the dream boy. Not Logan. But things changed and Logan made a vloging channel and I hopped to the other brother quicker than a old man sliding in your DM's. But now I'm with Jake, and although he's younger I can see potential in him.

Before I knew it I was asleep. Forgetting all the drunk events of the night as I dreamed of Logan.

Jakes POV -

I carried her to her room put her PJ's on and tucked her in. No one had ever made me feel like that and it was amazing, then I realised I had just made the biggest mistake of my life. I just had sex with my brothers drunk girlfriend he would kill me or worse. I couldn't tell Logan about this I'd just hope Liv wouldn't remember this, as much as I wish she would for the sake of every party she needs to forget tonight ever happened. But I do know one thing.

I love her...

5 months later in Logan's apartment-
Logan's POV

I had sent all our guests to their hotels and homes until we had everything cleared up.

My one true love who I thought was carrying my child, might be carrying Jakes kid instead. My heart has been ripped out and dragged apart right in front of me.
I knew that in my heart Liv wouldn't do something like this... unless she was forced. I turned to Liv. We'd been sat in silence with just the sound of her crying noticeable for the past 10 minutes.

"Did he force himself on you, because if this is true he's dead to me" I stated.

" I can't remember Logan, otherwise I would of said something but this doesn't add up. I'm 5 months pregnant and I only started talking to Jake properly 4 months ago so how on earth can this baby be his, I'll do a DNA test or anything to prove he is yours Logan" I could hear the pure panic in her voice as she began to cry again.
She really did love me and I could see that if Jake did do this she wasn't herself. But I did know that she loved me as much as I love her which warmed my heart.

I kneeled over to her on the love sack she was sat on with her head in her palms as she cried each tear dripped down her arm and landed on her small yet perky baby bump.

I tucked her glossy hair behind her ear and whispered to her.

" I know you didn't ask for this but if Jake has done something to hurt you I need to know. I won't force you to get a Paternity test because that baby boy is mine I know it. And nothing has changed because I'm still marrying you and we're having this baby together as a team and he will be the most beautiful baby boy the world has ever seen. We're going to love him and care for him and maybe in a few years give him a sister or brother and watch our kids grow . But I know that I love you and trust you with all my heart. And right know I'm happy. So princess please don't cry".

I placed my hand on her bump and stroked it with my hand, then I felt a kick.

He was moving!

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