Blood Brothers Part 1 (Liv's POV)

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OMG THANK YOU FOR 2k Views omg I'm so lucky to have all of you !! Right , this chapter is taking a while and will be up latest by 2nd Feb (Sorry Ive have no access to Internet:c) s I've been busy at my new job and haven't had a chance to sit down ( Now I have ) xx AHHH thank you so much !!
- L E

I froze to the spot. This couldn't be real? One second I'm watching them through a camera then the next I'm on the other side getting plowed by Logan Paul himself.
I can feel the awkwardness rising as a butt naked Logan grabs a towel and pretends nothing has happened (for the camera) until Paige runs towards me out of sight of jakes camera.

"3 things .... HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE? 2-YOU'RE FUCKING LOGAN FUCKING PAUL ....and you may have a bigger problem...."

I look at her confused still pulling the white sheet over my naked body even though there was nothing left to hide.

" We was going to surprise Logan and we thought he was sleeping so we went on live stream and ...."
Her head bowed down in shame.
I didn't click on to start with until Logan looked back at me his eyes looking like a deer in the headlights of a truck.

"What do you mean live stream ?" I said stupidly still oblivious to what was going on until it hit me and the cold sweats started. My phone lit up with messages...tweets and new articles I grabbed it before Logan could. The first thing I saw was me and Logan fucking like rabbits with the headline - "YOUTUBE STAR SEX TAPE ... WHO IS LOGAN PAUL DATING ..... TO BE CONTINUED" Logan ran to Jake and slapped him

" You dumbass, You see what you've done now! You've ruined my career my job my reputation!!! "
The words suck in me like a brick There was a long pause after that that seemed to go on forever. Jake and Paige stared at me as I got my clothes on and stormed out of the room shoving Logan on the way past.

"Babe wait ... I didn't mean that" he stated, chasing after me grabbing my wrist as I climbed up the stairs to the door of his apartment.
"Sorry.... I won't ruin your reputation again Logan Paul .... " I slammed the door crying on the opposite side until Jake comes out and places his hand on my shoulder stroking it softly...

"Look Logan didn't mean what he said and I'm so sorry about what happened I didn't know you two were you know... Bumping uglys" he crouched down next to me awkwardly but it was slightly comforting but I wish it was Logan next to me telling me this as much as I hate what he said it doesn't change the way I feel about him.

"Stay with me " Jake offers , I look up at him as my mascara runs off my face, he wiped my tears and implies " just until things blow over between you and Logan.

"Okay, thank you jake .... I'm Liv White By the way i think you're an amazing actor."  He looks at the ground and gives a cheeky grin that's so alike to his older brother.
"Haha ... Well it's a pleasure meeting you Liv I'm Jake ... Jake Paul and I also love your work especially that Disney Princess parody on Facebook you looked ... ( he paused and looked me in the eye) Beautiful " I blushed and Jake leaned in almost to kiss me.
Suddenly a man's scream could be heard from the apartment and then a loud set of footprints that followed to the door. Paige swung the door open brushing off her hands like she'd done some dirty work.

"Shall we go ? " Paige said swiftly and sweet. " Yeah let's go" Jake replied

We got to the elevator and I could see a half dressed Logan with a bloody nose staring outside his Apartment with regret in his eyes. How I wanted to run into his arms but I was constantly reminded of how life wasn't like a fairy tale no princes no singing mice and definitely a lot of heartbreak and one things for sure not everything goes to plan ....

Especially when the next 9 months they'll be no movie ball gowns and only hospital maternity gowns.

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