Prior Engagements ( SMUT)

10K 176 121


Hey guys WE HIT 104K in 24hours what !!!! You guys are the best and I will be doing more competitions as the story unfolds usually at every 50k I'd like to take the time to thank every single one of you... when I started writing I was unbelievably bullied, I'd just gotten dumped and I had literally nothing left my family we're on the verge of kicking me out and I had no job.
But then you guys happened... I left school, I got a job , I have the most AMAZING fiancé called Joshua ... and obviously ( Logan )lol ;) but if you guys need anyone to talk to at all about anything even if you're just worried about exams.. I'm here

I'd like to announce the two WINNERS as I couldn't just pick one and I'd recommend you go follow them as their content is amazing!

heretoclearthesins  Kennedy!! Who won because of her amazing paragraph she sent me and the fact that I've noticed every single comment since she began reading and it's never failed to make me smile!

LilyReed7 who is honestly such a good writer! I see so much passion in her as author and she has a different style of writing that I love! She has such and amazing past after being bullied even though she is perfect. And I actually hope to meet her one day Also go check out her book -- I'm Yours//Jake Paul Fanfic ... and if you read until the end you get a surprise entrance from me as we've linked characters 🙌🏻

And anyway here's the smut 🙃... back to the story🔥


3 weeks earlier...

I'd finally put Maisie down to bed after 6 failed attempts a bed wetting drama and 2 tantrums. I managed to sneak off to my room when I saw him in the bed. Fast asleep and his lips pouting out like a baby. I got changed into light clothing and tucked myself into bed. logan's large forearms arms wrapped around me holding me and pulling me into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat beating louder as he kissed my forehead brushing my hair with his paw like hand. I could feel his large hands going down my back down to my ass which he squeezed before he traced over my underwear. I let out a squeak trembling as  he pinned me down kissing my neck leaving love bites as he went down my body, stopping at my stomach I grabbed his head, he looked u at me with a fiery passion in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to him

He kneeled up 

"Why are you sorry beautiful ? "

"I'm not the same as I used to be, and I no longer go to the gym since Mai was born I've got stretchmark's and I weigh 13 stone I don't know how you find me attractive" I say putting my hand over my face covering it.

"Stop that Liv .. Those stretchmark's you should be proud of. You made a human and not just any human OUR daughter and I love your weight I couldn't care if you weighed 13 stone or 130 stone... you're my princess and I find you unbelievably sexy. I love you. I've been wanting to tell you for a while...  think we should try for a another baby .. I mean Maisie is nearly at the same age I was when Jake was born and honestly I had such an amazing childhood with him. its a shame he changed really."

before he got a chance to answer I grabbed him and pulled him on top of me.

"yes... let start trying " I whisper as he pulled down his underwear placing his hard package onto my belly before teasing me.

he gently eased it in before thrusting into me, his rock hard abs dripping with sweat and his teeth snarled  he became full animal.

I dug my nails into his back with each thrust making him beg for more. The feeling of him inside me was driving me crazy as I begged for more.

I finally hit climax and Logan finished not long after as we hit the pillows and fell asleep.

little did I know that was the start of a long journey

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