Mr Paul will see you now

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The sun beams fall from my window and the sound of song birds can be heard along with the rushing traffic outside . Stretching my body out across my bed I go to get my phone from my charger to be greeted with not only the fact of it hadn't been charging at all that following night but I had 10 missed calls from my manager and 15 minutes to get to this audition which could define my whole future in America.


I grab my phone and order a uber for 5 minutes time, throw on this old Maroon Turtle neck and black ripped skinny jeans which did no justice to the word skinny but it was the only smart ish thing I owned , brushed my hair and grabbed my makeup to do in the uber. Managing to make it to the car in time I do my makeup as best I could until the car came to a stop outside a run down office building , this couldn't be it surely. I walk in my black ballet pumps falling off , I walk facing the ground and continue to proceed forward until I see a musty cream door with the sign saying 'AUDITIONS' which looked more like an audition for a cheap porno than a Hollywood breakthrough. I knock on the door to hear a older male voice shout for me to come in. The walls were jet black and there was a single spotlight in the centre whilst the judge panel was lurking in the shadows. Suddenly a voice emerged from the darkness.

" You must be Liv, I hope you learned your lines Doll face" Jokingly the Voice said," Yes I have sir but... The script I mean has two characters , so will you be reading it out?" I nervously said as I stepped into the spotlight squinting my eyes at the brightness. 'Dear god no, we've already got the actor who will be playing Alec, we'll actually he saw your performance in the Old theatre and he begged us to get you to audition with him. So far the other girls have do you say ... failed to remain professional" The director said sternly.
"Well I assure you sir I will remain professional at all costs and I won't let you or this actor down" i exclaimed, "Very well, you may begin".

*** Off stage ****
I look down into my palms as I deliver the first line the footsteps of my co worker behind me start getting louder and louder but I don't look. "You have to understand, I can't live without you " I suddenly feel something behind me " Olivia you need to stay away from me what part of that don't you understand? You're turning me in to this person who I'm not and I' will never be,  you're driving me crazy" Suddenly I feel the urge to go for it going completely off my lines " I'm driving you crazy ? You never bother to wait for me you haven't spoken to me in days, one minute you're all over me the next you want nothing to do with me. I care about you Alec why can't you see that. ( I wipe a tear from my cheek as I turn the opposite way from my co worker who was still behind me) " I feel the energy rising in the room and I go back the the script and say my last line. "Bye Alec ....forever" I walk off to suddenly be grabbed on the wrist by a large hand. " You're not leaving me again because...." I interrupted him still not facing him ... This wasn't in the script "Because what Alec?" I drop my head and the light goes from White wash to spotlight. Suddenly I'm spun around and I fall into his chest and I look up to see two large ice blue eyes and blonde swept hair. My mouth opens in disbelief and his giant hands still wrapped around me. He closed my gawping mouth. It was Logan fucking Paul. "Because Olivia I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life" slowly his hands caress my face and his lips slowly press onto mine, this can't be happening. I feel the warmth of his large torso against me and I melted. Suddenly I heard a clap , Logan opened his eyes smiled at me and whispered ... "I knew you was the one" my heart nearly stopped.

" Miss Liv you went completely off script you didn't do anything i said, adding that to the fact you kissed the co star I should be telling you to get out now !" The director screamed, my heart sank in my stomach I knew I'd be back to England by tomorrow. I started to well up until " But ... That my dear was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life .. The passion between you and Logan was incredible I was hooked and I would like nothing more if you'd like to become Olivia not just Because that's your actual name so Liv you got the part !"

I started crying at this point and Logan's arm wrapped around me " Take it easy.... Well I can definitely say I'm going to be seeing you more often" he winked at me and kissed my already Rosie cheek I was speechless.
"Both of your accommodations have been arranged for the next year and your plane for the filming in Paris has been arranged for Monday, liv a uber Is waiting for you and Logan to go to a News conference about the movie ... "
But no one told me what the movie was called because I might not of auditioned if I knew.

We walked outside and from that day my life changed. The uber set off with me and Logan in it and he looked at me with his wide eyes and softly said "I have a feeling we're going to get along just fine Liv " his hand rubbed my knee and inside I was screaming .
After a while in the uber we was greeted by a wave of fans and paparazzi.

And there was no escape.

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