Only Human

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*I'd recommend listening to Christina Perri's song " Human " whilst reading this As I'm listening to it whilst writing and I'm getting rather emotional ☹️😭 AND WE GOT TO 10K LOGANGSTERS ! Honestly I wish I could thank everyone of you personally and I'm so proud to be in such a supportive internet family. Love you all and keep being savages. 👊🏻 - L.E


Liv's POV:
Hospitals can be the place of either happiness or sorrow, it's the place where life is celebrated with birth or a few success stories or either it can be the place where people's lives come to the end bringing everything and everyone with them. Yet this place wasn't filled with life or joy even the halls were cold and empty like no one had ever set foot into the wards ever. Silence engulfed the room as I stepped into the silent maternity ward where the only sound that could be heard was the broken yellow stained clock that still made a noise, it seemed frozen in time along with the rest of the hospital which usually has a reputation for being so busy. Suddenly a lone cry from a baby could be heard from the end of the long hallway , the sun beams glistened onto the once so cold looking walls and a red headed Midwife popped her head out of the office in front of me. Her hair shone in the light and her glossy red lips curved into a beaming smile as she looked at me.

"Liv White?" She called to me and directed with her hands for me to enter the room.

I lay down in the hospital chair preparing myself so I'm ready to not only have that jelly looking substance on my stomach but to see my beautiful baby for the first time everything was running smoothly until the nurse began to ask questions.

"Well it may take a while for me to find baby so let's fill out these boring old forms" she said beaming this reassuring smile upon me which almost soothed my nerves.

"Sure okay " I answered confidently.

"Well from what I can see is you're little over 12 weeks meaning you must of conceived around April 30th time, may I ask what is you're full name , birth place and your date of birth ?"

"Olivia Jemima White I was born in Brighton In the United Kingdom and my birthday is August 5th 1996"

She stared at me waiting as if I hadn't finished my sentence...
"And the father?"

My mind turned to mush... she would never believe me if I told her I just stared at her vacantly as I thought of an answer in my head.

"You don't have to answer me now I've actually found a perfect image of the baby. " she whispered glued to the screen.

It had been two months since I fount out I was pregnant with Logan Paul's child and I can truly say this has been the hardest part of my entire life so far choosing to stay with Logan Over Jake. But all of it was about to change as I was about to see my unborn child who I was going to love and cherish for the rest of my life. Then without warning the nurses beeper went off and she looked at me in disbelief.

"I think your baby daddy is here sweet cheeks, is it a Mr Paul? " she said smiling
I couldn't believe it , he remembered I told him last month and he remembered!

A knock on the door was followed not long after, I'd asked to wait until he came in to see the baby so we both could see. I hadn't been so happy in such a long time. The door opened with such care as a handsome looking Logan came in with a dozen roses. He was wearing a suit as he'd just come back from filming a scene from in our movie which thankfully didn't include me.

"You remembered ..." I started tearing up as Logan placed his lips onto my head and one of his hands stroking my face as I lay down on the nurses chair.

"Of course I remembered our baby's scan, I wouldn't miss it for the world" he said taking a seat next to me. Flipping his blonde fluffy hair to one side.

"Are you both ready to see your baby ? " The nurse said as me and Logan smiled back at her.

And there it was ... our baby as clear as day on that screen. The heart beat sunk into my body with every beat I fell more in love I turned to face Logan who was glued to the screen , a tear rolled down his face as he smiled "That's my baby " he whispered to himself before looking at a very emotional me...

"Our baby" he said grasping my hand and kissing it before I realised it the end of the appointment was near. The nurce took some samples of my blood and printed off some photos for us to take home but then she asked if we wanted to find out the gender of our baby.

"You can tell at 12 weeks ?" Logan gasped

"Well with you both being celebrities I'm sure we can have a look for you..." she winked at me. She knew the whole time who we were and before I could correct her I spotted a magazine on the table with the headlines. "Logan Paul Vs Jake Paul ; Jake Paul ex vine star has announced that his brother Logan Paul may be is expecting a baby with his a Girlfriend of 4 months Olivia White " I was so pissed but I remained calm for Logan's sake as we was about to find out the gender of our baby,

"Can you please write the gender down so we can take it home " she nodded
Logan kissed me and whispered in my ear " I love you"
The nurse turned to me with the envelope containing the gender of our baby. I told Logan he could open it before me and for him to tell me later as he is bad with surprises...

Logan's POV

I couldn't believe it
we're having a ......

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