The second verse... Of the wedding

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Can I just thank every single one of you for all the positive comments on the last chapter and how pissed off I was because this is the second time I've written this because I forgot to press save ... fml.

I've ready ever single comment and I can honestly say I love you all so much
I'm still not sure if I want to carry this book on but I'm trying. X

I'm trying for you guys ....

Jakes POV

Ever since the incident happened with Logan, he'd refused to forgive me so I decided it would be best to travel for a bit starting off in Canada to give him space with his family ...his so called perfect family, that's when I met her. She reminded me so much of Liv but blonde and her accent was twanged I was looking at her from across the bus she was sitting at the back head turned facing the window . From behind I could see Liv until she turned around and caught me staring...

" Can I help you?" she said taking out her earphone staring at me, her eyes shimmered in the light.

I panicked and stuttered.

"sorry eh.. you just remind me of someone... this is my stop I better be going..." I stuttered refusing to make eye contact. It wasn't my stop but I wanted to get out of that situation as quickly as possible.

"No wait.. " she ran down the bus and grabbed my arm.

" I'm on my own and I really could use some help, You really look familiar to me too. Please stay I'm really in trouble and I need help." she pleaded

I had just met her and yet I felt this force pulling me closer.

since that day we spent every day together until she had to go to her cousins wedding alone. I couldn't bare to leave her so I followed her she was hiding something from me.

Present day

Logan's POV

"Jakes the dad"... Lily shouted

Everyone paused the silence seemed to last forever. As Liv was dragged out of the room buy her parents whilst Lily and Jake were moved to a separate room. Liv told me to stay put.

"I promise I won't let this ruin our day Logan" she whispered kneeling down to kiss Maisie. I picked our daughter up as Liv left the chapel without me her wedding dress. I couldn't help but think this was my fault, the best day of my life now my pregnant wife is fighting with her closet cousin because my little brother got her pregnant... it's like an episode of Jeremy Kyle or Judge Judy in my family I swear.

I watched the guests awkwardly leave handing me presents and apologising for the events until me and Maisie were the only ones left. Say outside the church yard in a soggy looking Britain with mud and rain marks across us both.

I look over at my nearly two year old daughter, her little bright blue eyes sparkle in the rain and her rosy cheeks bring out the paleness in her skin. He once so curly and blonde hair now soggy and parted.

"You okay Moo?" I say to her wrapping my jacket over her shoulders to keep her warm.

We were all packed to go to the honey moon straight from the wedding and that means we've only got 3 hours until we're meant to be boarding... and by the looks of things we're not going to make it.

Maisie wrapped her arms around my shoulders kissing me on the cheek with her small lips placing one hand on her head and one on her back I embraced my daughter and for the first time in a long time I felt like I was loved. She slowly fell asleep in my arms my blazer jacket wrapped around her like a cape. I began to carry her to the car when I heard a voice.

That's when Liv came out, With Jake and lily following behind...

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