No Handlebars

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Liv's POV

The pain was getting stronger flowing up to my chest and circling back to my abdomen. Logan hooked his arm round my side as we waited for Jeff and the events manager to tell us its time to start walking on to the red carpet. From what I could see by the small slit in the curtain revealing  thousands of crazed fans, paparazzi, media and police in such a small area. In the centre was a long red velvet carpet that went all the way to the doors, our co-stars already out, greeting fans and media with large smiles and open arms. My heart jumped into my throat as the nerves got the best of me, I mean this was my first premiere and if I fuck it up my last.

Suddenly everything became dizzy and started to wobble. The crowd began screaming in excitement as Jeff shoved my leg back into the closed end of the curtain since I barely noticed it had slipped. I was becoming worried now but how would I tell Logan. I decided I was going to tell him so I began to turn but before could a large hand pushed me and Logan onto the red carpet . The lights shone on to our face as I nervously smile to the crowd. step by step we make our way onto the carpet and pose for photos Logan constantly gripping me as my posture and walking  was as he described like a new-born giraffe.Suddenly  Jake swiftly followed behind sending the crowds crazy. he'd managed to sneak out behind us and some how his presence wasn't exactly welcomed by half of the members of the logang.

Shortly after our photoshoot we made our way to the media answering as many questions as we could most of them was obviously about the movie but the tabloids would always slip in the "What was it like filming sex scenes with Logan Paul?" or "I can't believe you met on set for this movie and two years later have  a daughter and a baby on the way plus Logan working on his projects and not being a fulltime parent, you must have extra help ... How's Mum life treating you?" which pissed me off a bit,which I replied with.

"Well just because I'm a Mother doesn't mean I don't have a life outside motherhood, and just because Logan works away doesn't mean he's not invested in his children's life. I mean he's home nearly every night, he was there when Maisie took her first everything and he's been to every scan, doctor appointment got me every stupid craving at whatever time I wanted, he is and forever will be a full time dad to our babies .I do have extra help but at the end of the day what mother doesn't, it's not like I leave Maisie with a stranger especially after what happened earlier this year, she's either with my cousin, her Grandparents or a family friend but no one we wouldn't trust as she's our pride and joy and I wont stand for people calling me out for leaving her behind or shit because I cannot cope anymore this was meant to be a happy day...(I turn to Logan who was looking at me in pure shock and disbelief) Celebrating our movie and I've been in so much fucking pain but this fucking dress it too tight and..."

Everyone  went silent as water dripped in-between my legs ruining the gold dress instantly. The Interviewer from buzz feed fell silent as Logan grabbed my face which was now as red as a strawberry. cameras could be seen from all angles as everyone tried to capture the moment I ruined the premiere to my own movie. I couldn't breathe, I'd just ruined any chance of me having a career.

"Olivia, You are not a bad Mom to Maisie or this child. Just because the world thinks I'm never there for my kids doesn't mean it's true because we know the truth and at this moment in time we need to get you into an ambulance and to a hospital now..." he whispered to me  "But the premiere!" thousands of petrified fans now worried as they was confused why paramedics were rushing towards me.

Jake swung into action...


Logan quickly hugged Jake as I was being loaded into the British ambulance and whispered "Thank you bro, see you on the other side", which Jake replied "Bring us back a Paul".

We was rushed away from  one of the biggest day of our lives and it was all my fault. To be rushed into a large hospital suite with everything prepared ready. I got checked over before a nurse spoke to Logan and my heart started to race. All the flash backs to when Maisie was born came back and the pain I felt on that day scared me to the core, I don't know if I could survive another birth like that. Logan came back around and sat next to me placing my hand to his lips and kissing it. A huge smile beamed across his cheeky face.

"Baby's doing fine, 40 weeks, Heathy and you're only 3cm dilated." he let out a tear after remembering the last time I gave birth and his blood soaked top still send shivers down my spine.

" I love you Liv" he whimpered.

I couldn't help myself but smile, fuck the media, fuck my career the only thing that matters is my children's safety and my husband. His suit now half unbuttoned and my $50,000 dress replaced with a nasty blue hospital gown with no underwear but still rocking my done up makeup and hair. Logan kissed my lips before chuckling to himself. He stroked my head before looking me dead in the eyes
and saying...

"So now that we've got time to spare Liv what do you think...Pink or Blue?"

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