Chapter 25

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     "oh Charlie where are my manners, this is my daughter Kira." I heard the old woman say. I was to busy looking at Kira's galaxy color eyes with the colors pink and purple swirling around. "nice to meet you, Charlie." She spoke in a light sweet voice.  "Charlie! Charlie!" I heard Minara say. I wanted to turn around and face her but something just didn't let me i couldn't get my eyes off of Kira's eyes. Until i felt myself spin around completely facing Minara. She looked jealous, worried and frightened that i would try something i would never do, cheat on her.

     I shook my head trying to not make eye contact with Kira. I gave Minara a hug and whispered " i would never do anything to hurt you."  And kissed her cheek. She noded and turned back to Ally. "so what brings you by Min?" She asked. Minara sighed "we need to see Vilmork." Ally and Kira turned to face each other and in unison said "Vilmork?!" Minara noded. "why in the world would you ever want to do such a thing!" Ally said. "we need to have a serious conversation with him, he killed Charlie's mother." They both gasped. "oh you poor thing." Kira said putting her hand on my shoulder. The swirling colors apppeared again as i gazed into her eyes once more. i heard Ally clear her throat. "Kira did i mention Charlie was Minara's mate?" "oh." Kira said taking her hand off me and her eyes unusual swirling color turning into a normal violet purple. The strange attraction i felt toward her disappeared in a matter of seconds. Woah.

     "well follow me i'll get you to Vilmork." Kira said as we followed her to the purple curtains that she came out of. The room had a big crystal ball in the middle and the walls were full of bookshelfs with tons of witchcraft books and poshions.

     All four of us sat around the crystal ball. "now we've never tried this but we'll see." She clicked a button next to were the crystal ball stood. Two boards came from under the crystal ball each had two empty cup holders. "we use these to transport the medications to vilmork, we're guessing if you put your two fingers inside the cup holders it will transport you there." Me and Minara put both our middle and index finger into the cup holders. "wait wait wait so were gonna be risking this? What if our fingers disappear!" Kira giggled "Charlie, we've tested these things out. If anything we'll zap your fingers back, we're witches." She scoffed. She was pretty but definitely a trickster. "oh Charlie i almost forgot." Ally said she stood up and headed towards a shelf full of bottles of chemicals and poshions she picked out a small blue bottle, a yellow bottle and a red bottle. "you'll need this if you want to breathe on Mars." She handed the blue bottle to me and i drank it as a shot. It was disgusting it tasted like that tussin cough medication. "and this one it will diguise you, you'll appear as an Alitanian but you need a sample of an Alitanians blood." Minara raised her hand "I'll do it." She pricked her finger with a needle and a drop of blood dropped into the yellow bottle turning the chemical into a orange color. I drank the small orange bottle as a shot, man did any of these taste good? "and you'll need this to get back." She gave us a red small bottle. "well see you guys later, hopefully." Minara said. Kira clicked the same button again this time with a loud buzz i kept my eyes on Ally and Kira until they became a white blur. We were going to Mars.

     The familiar buzz appeared again. *ZIIOOOM* me and Minara appeared in an empty hallway with boxes of medications behind us. The floor was a black marble and the walls were a maroon color. I looked at Minara and she was in her Alitanian form. She looked at me and was in shock i looked at my arms and they were scaly and red. I had green Markings on my face and body and i had a green gem in my interior chest just like the one Minara had around her head. Actually i looked like her but the complete opposite. "i look so awesome!" I yelled out. Shr covered my mouth. "shh! Do you want us getting caught!?" I shook my head."if anyone asks your my partner in the human research mission." I noded and with that said we walked swiftly to the end of the hallway.

     We made it to the end of the hallway that felt as an endless maze and stopped in a corner. There was people behind the corner i could see them and smell them.

Min wait!

I mind linked so the people wouldn't hear us.

What is it?

There's two men behind this corner, i could smell and see them.

Hm what are they wearing?

Uhh i think armor.

Yeah, those are probably body guards i brought my mission ID Kinai forgot to take it, play along.

     She went around the corner with me behind her and we made our way to the two men in black and red armor covering their entire face making it hard to make eye contact. "Hault!" The man on the right said. they were tall almost 7 feet! I knew i was tall but damn! "there is no need for the commotion. We are researchers from the human research center. We came to speak to Vilmork about new evidence." They stayed quite we couldn't tell if they were looking at us the armor was to dark. "ID please." The guard on the left said. "Minara took out a card with a her face on it and information. "you may pass." They both said. Without a word me and Minara slipped through the guards.

     We entered a room it was HUGE bigger than any place I've ever seen before. The same pattern of colors ran through the whole empire. There were torches lit up all around the room. It was quiet. "well, look who we have here if it isn't Minara and who's this? Ahh Charlie. How are you both?" A man who's appearance terrified me. His skin was dark red to black and scaly he had white markings around his arms that looked like tattoos. He had grey hair but what freaked me out the most was the hideous huge scar that ran over his left white blind eye, the other eye was a brownish yellow color.  "how do you know me?" I asked. His laugh was deep and gruesome. "oh well i know you because of your little mate here." "why are you doing this." Minara asked. He sighed and took a seat in the big throne chair in the middle. "well if you didn't know, well you should i want you dead. But killing you right here and now would be to easy." He said. she looked infuriated. "oh yeah, and how have you been sleeping lately?" He smirked knowing that it would piss her off. He was talking about all the Vilmork dreams. She took a step closer in her battle stance i put my arm out infront of her to stop her from doing anything crazy and shook my head. "well Vilmork your not my favorite either, actually if you weren't such a pank with your body guards standing outside the front door i would blow your brains out right here, right now." A heavy chuckle was heard from Vilmork. "then why don't we just settle it, eh? You want to kill me? Then try I'll give you 1 month for you to prepare for this war. You'll need to." He said. "fine, you want to fight? we'll fight. I'll see you in 1 month." She turned around and grabbed me by the wrist. "oh and Charlie, say hello to your father for me." I felt myself stiffen up. Without a word i left i was about to chop his head off.

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